Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer Perform Better with Personalized Medicine
Metastatic Breast cancer, as well as most all advanced cancer stages, require much more complex planning than simply sustaining common treatments. Chemotherapy protocols for metastatic breast cancer are very similar, if not identical, throughout cancer hospitals and Center. Unfortunately, standard protocols of chemotherapy in late stage cancers are only 2% effective after 5 years. Genetic testing and molecular profiling, along with targeted proprietary immunotherapy, has helped our patients outperform and select the best personalized treatment regimens for highly-detailed metastatic breast cancer treatment. Our metastatic breast cancer approach involves a more detailed and customized type of treatment.
Biomarkers Changing Chemotherapy Drugs For Metastatic Breast Cancer
We have all become aware of the advances in early detection and prevention of breast cancer. However, when a patient has metastatic breast cancer, how can they go about selecting the best chemotherapy and other customized treatment options to block the metastatic spread? We have written an article called Chemotherapy Game Changers to help explain how evidence-based molecular profiling provides patient-specific information works. Our patients achieve personalized cancer therapy based on the unique biomarkers found within each patient's tumor. We have been able to create customized, personalized and research-based treatment plans that best suit the needs of each individual patient.
What We Have Found Is Quite Astounding
Most patients with metastatic breast cancer and other cancer types are on the wrong chemotherapy regimen. On average, about 80% of our patients were receiving all of the side effects without the long-term benefits of targeted treatment prior to our care. To improve overall results, we also use a unique fractionated delivery method of the chemotherapy that allows lesser amounts of the chemotherapy to be given while providing better selectivity and cancer targeting. Our patients receive focused care with fewer side effects that's overall, less harming to the patient's healthy cells and immune system. However, selecting the correct agents is really only one part of the picture.
The Immune System Is Always Crucial Piece of the Puzzle
Over the past two decades, scientific studies have repeatedly demonstrated that breast cancer patients have abundantly lower levels of natural killer cells than healthy individuals. Additionally, NK and NKT function is decreased in breast cancer patients, signifying that the immune system is severely impaired. Research also indicates that progression of disease in metastatic breast cancer patients is associated with decreasing NK activity, and that individuals with an extensive family history of breast cancer had lower NK cell activity than those with a lower family history of breast cancer. This undeniably suggests that defects in NK activity may indeed contribute to the onset of breast cancer. It is apparent breast cancer patients typically have low levels of interferon-gamma, a major growth factor for NK cells that is produced naturally by the body.
Despite the impairments in NK and NKT cell number and function witnessed in cancer patients, these cells have been successfully expanded from patients, using advanced laboratory techniques, for purposes of immunotherapy.
Visit our AAIT page to learn more. Re-establishing the patient's immune system provides metastatic and micro-metastatic cancer fighting agents for patients.
Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes for Breast Cancer That Matter
Treating the cause of disease is at the heart of our approach and we utilize proprietary treatments and techniques to help our patients reach optimal health. Testing and the removal of carcinogenic agents such as infections, heavy metals, and chemical toxins are at the core of returning the patient to better health than when they first arrived. We achieve this via detailed intravenous targeted natural treatments to help our patients potentiate the benefits of other treatments and improve immunotherapy in each patient. Diet and lifestyle are an essential part of the healing process.
Here is a Perfect Example: Outperforming The Mayo Clinic
Sylvana contacted Envita upon leaving the Mayo clinic for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. At the Mayo clinic, standard chemotherapy and radiation treatments were Sylvana's only options. This is an important example, because this is a very typical practice by cancer hospitals and Center. Through detailed genetic testing, we found the exact chemotherapeutic options that were effective for her exact biopsy and then administered our proprietary treatment process called GTF. She had virtually zero side effects and received all the benefits. We also administered a proprietary cancer cell vaccine called AAIT, in order to treat the metastatic spread of the cancer. We treated the factors that brought on the cancer and she has been in remission ever since. She is in better health now than she was when she started; here is her story for you to review.
Several Important Strategies for Successful Cancer Treatment
- Is based upon an extensive review of the world's most relevant clinical literature that correlates and includes immunotherapy
- Associates therapeutic agents, both conventional and natural, with benefit or lack of benefit and may reveal treatments not previously considered
- Identifies best detailed treatment plans for our patients
Our targeted approach can be used to reveal multiple treatment options within the standard of care, as well as treatment alternatives when the standard of care is not an option or not sufficient, when the standard of care has been exhausted, and in cases of highly aggressive, metastatic, or rare tumors. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the ways in which we can help you, please don't hesitate to contact us today.
We invite you to experience all that we have to offer. Compare us to all the rest! Call us today to start your journey to healing!