Targeted Treatment Options for Squamous
Cell Carcinoma Are One Call Away Call Now
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Early, Late-Stage, and Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treatment Options

Targeted Cancer Treatments for Squamous Cell Carcinomas of Different Parts of the Body

Your head and neck cancer, oral cancer, skin cancer, cervical cancer, or even lung cancer, could be a Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), as the squamous cells are found on the surface of your skin and the lining of the hollow organs of your body.

At Envita Medical Centers, a world-class integrative center for precision oncology, we have helped many patients who had limited treatment options with advanced-stage squamous cell cancers of different parts of the body.

Squamous cells

Our clinical experience of over 25 years in treating late-stage as well as early-stage cancers and complicated infections, enables us to better treat this type of cancer, which may be caused due to mutations triggered by infections, exposure to the sun, and certain lifestyle choices. Apart from our experience in attacking the root cause of the cancer, our proprietary new treatments, such as, CIPI™ (Chemo Immuno Precision Injections), GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy), and various other personalized immunotherapies, give us an edge over other standard cancer centers across the country.

Hear from Michael Bradbury, who wanted to be “at the best place on the planet to win the war and the battle against cancer!”

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

With our huge toolbox of treatments, combining the latest in conventional as well as research-based natural medicine, Michael could successfully recover from his head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Our proprietary treatments are specially designed to precision-target the squamous cancer cells of each individual patient, while bolstering their immune system to potentially reduce chances of a recurrence or metastatic spread.

Envita Medical Centers
Medical Team

Physicians with MD, MD(h), and NMD medical licenses, including certified oncologists, and certified interventional radiologists, striving to provide the latest cancer innovations
Pharmacists specializing in integrative agents
Nurses trained in precision treatment delivery

Envita’s team of integrative physicians go above and beyond conventional cancer treatments, like cryosurgery, standardized immunotherapy, radiation therapy, and platinum-based chemotherapy. These types of treatments followed in standard specialty hospitals may work for certain patients, but may not be enough for others, leading to chances of recurrence or metastasis.

This article covers major aspects of Squamous Cell Carcinomas, including:

How Envita Overcomes Standard Treatment Challenges to Offer Next-Level Cancer Care

SCCs of different parts of the body may have a low to high risk of recurrence or metastasis, despite standard healthcare’s conventional cancer treatments[1]. Recurrence or metastatic spread of the cancer is caused due to several factors, such as, drug resistance or delay in timely medical intervention to eliminate the cancerous cells.

Medical studies indicate how resistance to treatment is one of the biggest challenges in combating head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) [2], which is why, at Envita, we breakaway from the standard one-size-fits-all NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) guidelines and personalize treatment plans for each individual patient.

You need more than basic cancer patterns to custom-design a comprehensive treatment plan for each individual squamous cell carcinoma patient. With Envita’s world-class precision oncology algorithm we take into account several factors, such as, the patient’s immune system functions, their genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, which may influence the growth and spread of the disease.
Dr. Dino Prato NMD
Founder/CEO Envita Medical Centers

At Envita, every patient gets access to precision oncology treatments right at the beginning of care, contrary to the standard NCCN guidelines, which offer precision oncology as a follow-up to failed first-line treatments. However, we do not delay access to precision oncology because we believe that it could be the crucial missing link in your current standard of care.

Our Treatment Decisions are Based on Personalized Precision Oncology to Give Every Patient the Best Chance to Respond to Care

Envita Medical Centers building

Even the handful of patients who gain access to standard healthcare’s precision oncology program, receive a watered-down version of Envita’s detailed Squamous Cell Carcinoma Precision Oncology program. We test many more parameters than standard precision oncology programs, as we aim to ensure a holistic recovery for our patients, while reducing chances of recurrence or metastatic spread.

Envita Precision Algorithm vs.
Standard Oncology Precision Testing

RNA Transcriptome Genes
Envita Medical Centers: 20,000+
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Envita Medical Centers: 452
Standard Oncology: 309
Rearrangements/Fusion Genes
Envita Medical Centers: 51
Standard Oncology: 27
Microsatellite Instability (MSI)
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Checked
Tumor Mutation Burden (TMB)
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Checked
BRCA 1/2
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Checked
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Concurrent Liquid Biopsy
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Exosomal miRNA Analysis
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Circulating Tumor Cells Enumeration
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Individualized Therapy Recommendation
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Carcinogenic Exposure - Root Causes
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Inflammation Markers
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Metabolic Target Drivers
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked

*Individual results may vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes.

Scientific studies highlight that the head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) population consists mainly of high-risk for recurrence and locally advanced stage patients [3]. Increased knowledge of the HNSCC genomic profile can improve early diagnosis and treatment outcomes, which is exactly what our team of integrative physicians try to achieve with our detailed program.

While squamous cell carcinomas of the skin may have a low-risk of metastasis, a study published in the Journal of Surgical Oncology underlines the need to identify high-risk lesions that would benefit from more intensive treatment [4]. Generally, most skin cancers, like cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas, basal cell carcinomas, and melanomas, require procedures like excision or Mohs surgery to eliminate the cancerous cells. However, at Envita, we take cancer care to the next level for patients with a high risk of tumor recurrence or metastasis, by utilizing personalized precision oncology.

Personalized Precision Oncology to Go Beyond Standardized Cancer Treatments and Clinical Trials

Personalizing a treatment plan is critical for attacking the squamous cell carcinoma of each individual patient, from all possible angles. We personalize treatments based on the n-of-1 model, which is a single subject clinical trial considering an individual patient as the sole unit of observation in a study investigating the efficacy or side-effect profiles of different interventions [5]. The goal of an n-of-1 trial is to determine the optimal or best intervention for an individual patient using objective data-driven criteria.

This n-of-1 clinical trial may prove more beneficial than large sample clinical trials, which are conducted to test the efficacy of a new drug or treatment. It is best to approach these large sample clinical trials with caution, as they are not meant to focus on an individual patient.

At Envita, an individual patient is the focal point of our customized treatment plan. To custom-design this comprehensive plan, we follow a 4-step process aimed at optimizing quality of life, increasing longevity, and reducing toxicity.

Graph depicting Envita Medical Centers' method

Step 1

Genomic Identification to Establish the Risk Factors Triggering Disease Growth

Squamous cell carcinomas are generally caused due to mutations triggered by exposure to the harmful UV (Ultra Violet) rays from the sun or tanning beds, tobacco intake, and certain HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infections. Envita’s detailed genomic identification includes proprietary tests to determine the exact changes down to the cellular and molecular level caused by these factors and assess other risk factors, such as inflammation markers and miRNA (MicroRNA), which potentially influence disease growth and spread.

Our team has the added advantage of an in-depth clinical experience in treating chronic infections, like HPV, which is especially helpful in treating HPV associated squamous cell carcinomas. Several studies establish how HPV infections could cause or contribute to head and neck squamous cell carcinomas as well as cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas[6,7].

According to the National Cancer Institute, up to 90% of cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, pointing to the role of HPV in causing this type of cancer as well.

Envita’s detailed genomic identification and our team’s in-depth clinical experience in treating the root causes of squamous cell carcinomas, empowers us to develop a truly personalized treatment plan.

Step 2

Immuno Targeting to Reduce Chances of Metastasis

Various levels of personalized immunotherapies are a critical part of our treatment plan for all our patients, irrespective of the site of origin of the SCC or its stage. Medical studies show how combining immunotherapy drugs with radiotherapy can improve overall survival rates for a specific subset of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients [8].

At Envita, we go beyond these standard immunotherapy and targeted therapy drugs, like PD-L1 and EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) inhibitors, to impact the squamous cell carcinoma at its root. In certain patients, an overproduction of cell proteins like the PD-L1 and EGFR may be responsible for triggering tumor growth, which is why their respective inhibitors are used to slow down the disease. However, our advanced genomic analysis and Ultra Analytes Liquid Biopsy, may identify many more genetic and epigenetic influencers of the disease, and attacking all these targets enhances treatment efficacy, reducing chances of a recurrence or metastasis.

Envita’s Ultra Analytes Liquid Biopsy is used to establish chemo and immuno targets of each individual SCC patient. As part of this biopsy, we analyze the CTCs (Circulating Tumor Cells), which are parts of a growing tumor that break away and enter the patient’s blood stream, spreading the disease to other parts of the body. This detailed analysis allows us to identify early signs of metastatic spread and proactively treat the disease before it even manifests symptoms of metastasis. Our entire approach is targeted towards maximizing cancer kill, while minimizing impact to the surrounding healthy cells and the patient’s immune system.

Ultra Analytes Liquid Biopsy
Ultra Analytes Liquid Biopsy is deployed to identify targeted immunotherapy options to help get your immune system working properly again. Learn more about Immunotherapy

Step 3

Personalized Drug Design to Bring the Latest in Cancer Research Into your Treatment Plan

We incorporate the latest cancer research into your treatment plan to treat the disease at its core and with the goal of achieving long-term remissions. Our personalized drug design includes a powerful combination of FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved drugs, repurposed drugs, and our custom compounded adjuvants, manufactured at our in-house pharmacy.

Learn more about Personalized Drug Design
FDA Approved Drugs
Optimized for your cancer mutations.
Repurposed Drugs
Off-label use of approved medications
Custom Compounded Adjuvants
Genetically typed for each patient.

We custom compound these adjuvants based on advanced phytotherapeutics and personalize them to target the unique biomarkers, which are specific attributes of each individual SCC patient. We are not limited by the standard drugs available on the market, as these adjuvants are designed to bridge the gap in standard treatment of squamous cell carcinoma. A study on "Squamous Cell Lung Cancer: From Tumor Genomics to Cancer Therapeutics," represents an area of unmet need [9], which is why we aim to fulfil these needs and give every patient their best possible chance at recovering from their varied squamous cell carcinomas.

Step 4

Precision Deployment of New Treatments to Improve Survival Rates

At Envita, our proprietary new treatments are designed to precision-deploy personalized anti-cancer medications, without causing major impact to the surrounding healthy cells. With the healthy cells remaining intact, patients experience minimal side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, and exhaustion, commonly associated with standard cancer treatment.

In fact, through our proprietary treatments we also deploy immuno adjunctive agents to strengthen the patient’s immune system, along with the anti-cancer medications. A reactivated immune system is better trained to kill the cancerous cells, reduce chances of recurrence or metastasis, and potentially improve overall survival rates of each squamous cell carcinoma patient.

The following are some of our proprietary new treatments; patients may need either one or a combination of these treatments depending on their unique squamous cell carcinoma:

CIPI™ (Chemo Immuno Precision Injection)

CIPI™ (Chemo Immuno Precision Injections) is our proprietary interventional radiology technology for tumor chemoembolization. It is especially helpful for targeting the fibrous or difficult to reach tumors in squamous cell carcinomas of different parts of the body. In this minimally invasive procedure, a tiny catheter, thinner than a strand of hair, is used to deploy personalized chemotherapy and immunotherapy agents directly at the site of the tumor. Direct deployment of personalized anti-cancer medications via CIPI™ deactivates tumors, and the neoantigens released by the tumors are utilized to train the patient’s immune system in identifying and killing cancerous cells elsewhere in the body. Through CIPI™, we not only deactivate the tumor and help even late-stage metastatic patients respond to care, but we also harness the power of the immune system to reduce chances of a potential recurrence or further metastasis.

Envita's CIPI™ vs.
Standard Surgery

Minimally invasive so it can be performed within 40-50 minutes, without the need for large surgical incisions.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Can be performed multiple times, even at close intervals, because there is minimal risk of post-op complications.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
No need for general anesthesia, reducing the health risks that can result from being put into a medically induced coma to perform an invasive surgery.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Faster recovery time as compared to traditional surgery, due to the minimally invasive administration.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Provides direct tumor targeting, which delivers patient-specific genomic agents into the tumor.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Causes a systemic immune response where the immune system is reactivated to find and attack other metastatic cancer sites in the body.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Performed by highly trained medical professionals in an outpatient setting, so there is no need of hospital stays for recovery.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked

*Individual results may vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes.

Learn more about CIPI™

GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy)

GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy) is our proprietary low-dose chemotherapy, which can be a gamechanger for SCC patients. This targeted chemotherapy utilizes lower doses but a greater number of chemotherapy and adjuvant agents with a higher potential of response than standard maximum therapeutic dose untargeted therapy. Through GTFC™, we maximize the mechanisms of action against the cancerous cells, while strengthening the immune system of each individual squamous cell carcinoma patient.

Envita's GTFC™ vs.
Standard Chemotherapy

Helps to improve chemotherapy delivery to the tumor using a "Trojan Horse" delivery mechanism.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses genetic molecular profiling to understand all the facets of each patient's specific cancer.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses targeted treatment to enhance the mechanism of cancer kill.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses microdosed (fractionated) chemotherapies, reducing the chances of impacting healthy cells.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Minimizes toxicity to normal cells, lowering the chance of side-effects related to administration.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses patient-specific supportive immunotherapy to strengthen the immune system.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Aims to reduce multidrug resistance by administering 10 - 20% of the medication delivered in maximum dose chemo.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Allows custom-compounded medications to be readministered in tandem to suit each patient's individual cancer mutations.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked

*Individual results may vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes.

Learn more about GTFC™

Parts of the Body Commonly Affected by Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCCs)

The primary tumor or lesion indicating the origin of the SCC generally develops in one of the following organs, but squamous cell carcinoma of the skin or the other regions of the body may metastasize to surrounding lymph nodes or different parts of the body. At Envita, treatment decisions do not depend only on the site of the primary tumor, as we consider several other factors which may be impacting the disease at its core. Squamous Cell Carcinomas are generally seen in the following parts of the body:

Skin: SCC affecting the skin is often categorized as Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma, which is the second most common type of skin cancer, following Basal Cell Carcinoma. According to the American Cancer Society, about 2,000 people in the US die each year from these cancers.
Head and Neck: Cancers of the scalp, oral cavity, and the throat region may be SCCs.
Lung, Stomach, Cervical, and Anal cavity region: SCC can also develop in the lining of these internal parts of the body.

Symptoms of Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCCs)

If you have any of the following symptoms, your primary care physician or dermatologist may use x-rays or other imaging technologies to further diagnose a SCC:

  • Lump in the throat, mouth, or neck
  • Persistent sore throat
  • Unexplained voice change
  • Weight loss without trying
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Persistent earache
  • Recurring lung infections
  • Persistent wheezing and chest pain
  • Intense pelvic pain
  • Rough, scaly patch on the skin called as actinic keratosis
  • Open sores
  • Warts
  • Red nodules on your skin

Our Squamous Cell Survivor Stories

Aspiring a holistic recovery from her Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Diane traveled from Canada to seek treatment at Envita Medical Centers in Arizona.

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

With our powerful combination treatments for her Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the face, Mary left with “no signs of cancer!”

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

Call us Today

Call Now

Our expert team, comprising oncologists, interventional radiologists, researchers, and pharmacists, leave no stone unturned to target your unique squamous cell carcinoma from all possible angles. They undergo extensive training of over 1,500 hours in our personalized precision oncology approach to help you recover holistically. If you or your loved ones have any questions regarding squamous cell carcinoma or any other cancers, please contact us at: 866-830-4576. May God bless you on your journey to healing.


[1] Nissi L, Suilamo S, Kytö E, Vaittinen S, Irjala H, Minn H. Recurrence of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in relation to high-risk treatment volume. Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2021;27:139-146. Published 2021 Feb 3. doi:10.1016/j.ctro.2021.01.013

[2] Picon H, Guddati AK. Mechanisms of resistance in head and neck cancer. Am J Cancer Res. 2020;10(9):2742-2751. Published 2020 Sep 1.

[3] Ribeiro IP, Caramelo F, Esteves L, et al. Genomic predictive model for recurrence and metastasis development in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):13897. Published 2017 Oct 24. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14377-x

[4] Brougham ND, Dennett ER, Cameron R, Tan ST. The incidence of metastasis from cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and the impact of its risk factors. J Surg Oncol. 2012;106(7):811-815. doi:10.1002/jso.23155

[5] Lillie EO, Patay B, Diamant J, Issell B, Topol EJ, Schork NJ. The n-of-1 clinical trial: the ultimate strategy for individualizing medicine?. Per Med. 2011;8(2):161-173. doi:10.2217/pme.11.7

[6] Husain N, Neyaz A. Human papillomavirus associated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Controversies and new concepts. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2017;7(3):198-205. doi:10.1016/j.jobcr.2017.08.003

[7] Wang J, Aldabagh B, Yu J, Arron ST. Role of human papillomavirus in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: a meta-analysis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014;70(4):621-629. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2014.01.857

[8] Bonner JA, Harari PM, Giralt J, et al. Radiotherapy plus [removed due to editorial restrictions] for locoregionally advanced head and neck cancer: 5-year survival data from a phase 3 randomised trial, and relation between [removed due to editorial restrictions]-induced rash and survival [published correction appears in Lancet Oncol. 2010 Jan;11(1):14]. Lancet Oncol. 2010;11(1):21-28. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(09)70311-0

[9] Gandara DR, Hammerman PS, Sos ML, Lara PN Jr, Hirsch FR. Squamous cell lung cancer: from tumor genomics to cancer therapeutics. Clin Cancer Res. 2015;21(10):2236-2243. doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-14-3039

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