Squamous Cell Carcinoma Survivor – Diane's Envita Review

In May of 2018, Diane's life was interrupted by an unexpected series of health problems. Her doctors told her not to worry because she'd just had a colonoscopy the year prior, but her symptoms persisted, even worsening over time. Diane had to overcome challenge after challenge within the medical system just to find out what was wrong, and unfortunately, she was diagnosed with cancer. After being distrusted, disregarded, and dismissed within the conventional medical system, both Diane and her husband Anthony knew that they needed more individualized care. With Envita's commitment to personalized integrative medicine, Diane was able to receive the targeted precision cancer treatment she was looking for.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Before coming to Envita, Diane was bleeding frequently and experiencing an ominous and constant sensation of pressure. Eventually, she and her husband convinced her specialist to send her in for a colonoscopy. During the procedure they had found a suspicious lesion in Diane's bowel. While the physician did not feel it was of concern, Diane had to beg for an emergency CT scan before the cancerous mass was fully revealed.
Diane and her spouse took the news of cancer very seriously. They sought DNA testing in Canada to improve her odds for survival. She was met with more disappointment when she was told that “her cancer was not rare enough” for a clinical trial. Surgery was also off of the table because the tumor's location would require an important part of the anal canal to be removed which would have led to Diane having a colostomy bag, potentially for the rest of her life. Radiation seemed to be the only option, but both Diane and her husband were afraid of the side-effects and tissue damage that would entail.
Diane and her husband already knew of Envita and Dr. Dino Prato from his sister-in-law, who was a past patient. Both Diane and her husband were intrigued by Envita's unique approach to her cancer. What stood out most was how Envita utilizes targeted biomarker and molecular targets that are specific to each person's genomics. This information is used to tell what chemotherapeutic and cancer adjunctive agents may work best for that specific patient. These biomarkers may potentially reveal natural phytotherapeutic agents which can also aid in personalizing a treatment program to attack the patient's genetic cancer targets.
Within a few days of their conversation with Dr. Prato, Diane and her spouse were on an airplane heading for sunny Scottsdale, AZ. There, Diane received targeted chemotherapy with GTFC™, or Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy. GTFC™ provided Diane with a low-dose personalized chemotherapy regimen that was targeted for her specific genetic markers. This low-dose treatment was used with chemotherapy adjunctive agents to potentially limit side-effects and improve tumor kill. This method of treatment was revolutionary to Diane and her husband and was unlike anything they were offered back home. But with GTFC™, Diane's immune system remained intact, and she even managed to avoid losing her hair. Just 4 weeks after treatment was initiated at Envita, Diane began to recover. The pressure and pain abated, and she no longer relied on four or more doses of Tylenol to make it through her day. She was off of painkillers and quickly regaining her energy. Inside of a three-month break from work, Diane was right back at it, attending the gym again and doing the things she lived to do.
At Envita, Diane found mental, physical, and even spiritual support. Diane and her husband had never experienced such a supportive group in healthcare before until they came to Envita Medical Centers. “They believe in what they do... it's an amazing place.” said Diane's husband, grateful to have his wife back again and feeling as good as ever. Call us today at 866-830-4576 and one of our Patient Care Coordinators will be able to help you with the first step towards getting true, personalized precision medical care.