Early, Late-Stage, and Metastatic Lung Cancer Treatment Options

Helping Patients Outperform Dismal Lung Cancer Statistics with Powerful Treatment Options

A lung cancer diagnosis should not leave you staring at a bleak future because Envita’s revolutionary treatment approach has proved beneficial for patients affected with this leading cancer killer. At Envita Medical Centers, a world-class integrative center for Personalized Precision Oncology, we treat the root causes of each patient’s lung cancer with a unique combination of technologically advanced conventional and alternative therapies. In our clinical experience of over 25 years, our integrative physicians have been able to help even stage 4 lung cancer patients of various types, who were left with no option in standard healthcare.

Frustrated with the apathy in the standard oncology healthcare system, Marcus decided to travel out of his home state to receive comprehensive precision oncology care for his stage 4 lung cancer.

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

The 5-Year Relative Survival rate is 26.7% but when the lung cancer metastasizes, spreading to distant regions of the body, the rate drops down to a dismal 8.9%. Source: https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/lungb.html

Only 21.6% of lung cancer cases are caught in the early stages, which means most lung cancer patients are faced with an advanced, refractory to treatment, and dangerous form of cancer. Source: https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/lungb.html

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 350 people die each day from lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer death. Source: https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.3322/caac.21763

Dr. Prato and Dr. Oertle Review a Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Case

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

How Envita Overcomes Challenges in Standard Lung Cancer Treatment

The lack of effectiveness in standard treatments make lung cancer a challenging and complicated disease to treat, contributing to these staggering statistics. The standard treatment in most cancer centers and hospitals in the country, are based on the NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) guidelines, which determine a protocol based on the stage and type of lung cancer, leaving no room for personalization. However, Envita being a truly integrative clinic, is not limited by the NCCN guidelines, which enables us to personalize precision-targeted therapies with a higher potential of helping you progress towards a cure for lung cancer.

We know the NCCN regimens are not working as well as they should because they do not take into account each lung cancer patient's changing genetic information and immune system targets. At Envita, we use this information in real time with our advanced precision algorithms, to proactively treat our lung cancer patients and help reduce chances of metastasis.
Dr. Dino Prato NMD
Founder/CEO Envita Medical Centers

Powerful Combination of Conventional and Alternative Treatments

As described by the National Cancer Institute, our integrative medicine approach combines conventional treatment with complementary and alternative medicine. However, our complementary therapies go way beyond acupuncture, herbal medicine, or dietary supplements, to rebuild your immune system and train it to kill lung cancer cells.

Your immune system is the first and last defense against cancer, which is why strengthening it is crucial to reduce the chances of metastasis. When a lung cancer metastasizes, it spreads from the primary site of origin in the lungs to gradually affect the lymph nodes, liver, bone, brain, or any other part of the body. To curb the chances of disease growth and spread, we utilize the latest innovations from decades of cancer research in both conventional and alternative treatments, bringing you the best of both worlds, personalized for your specific mutations.

Personalized Treatment Offers N-of-1 Clinical Trial Level of Care

When it comes to lung cancer, your disease is unique to you because cancer is a mutation of your specific DNA. The DNA will continue to mutate and change as the disease progresses, causing the cancer to become more resistant to treatment, often leading to metastasis. Personalizing a treatment plan helps impact each patient's distinct mutations and decreases chances of metastasis, paving the way to a holistic recovery with minimal side effects from treatment.

Our personalized treatment plan is based on the N-of-1 model, which is a single subject clinical trial. In this model, a technologically advanced treatment plan is built on you, for you, and directed to you, unlike large sample clinical trials where the goal is to test the efficacy of certain new treatments.

At Envita, our oncologists build treatments based on your individual cancer expressions, biomarkers, molecular profiles, and immunotherapy targets. To establish these treatment options, we must identify treatment targets for your lung cancer via extensive state-of-the-art testing, and not rely on generalized information from clinical trials, which determine NCCN guided protocols.

Envita Medical Centers
Medical Team

Physicians with MD, MD(h), and NMD medical licenses, including certified oncologists, and certified interventional radiologists, striving to provide the latest cancer innovations
Pharmacists specializing in integrative agents
Nurses trained in precision treatment delivery

Envita's Unique Treatment Options for Lung Cancer

Our integrative oncology providers have extensive experience treating even complicated and difficult lung cancer cases. We use a unique combination of different types of treatments to effectively treat all stages and types of lung cancers. In early-stage cases, our unique treatment options can help avoid chances of metastasis, while in late-stage cases it counters treatment resistance, enabling patients to respond to care. Our lung cancer specialists have treated and achieved positive responses in patients who were sent to hospice by other well-established cancer centers, as their conventional treatment options had been exhausted.

At Envita, we go beyond the standard oncology approach to utilize the latest advances in world-class precision oncology, including advanced immunotherapy and genetic targeting. All of our custom developed treatment protocols follow a four-step process designed to strike at the core causes of your disease, while re-activating your immune system to improve quality of life, increase longevity, and reduce toxicity.

Graph depicting Envita Medical Centers' method

Step 1

Genomic Identification to Custom-Develop a Targeted Therapy Protocol

At Envita Medical Centers we use next-generation genetic testing, as part of our personalized precision oncology approach, to pinpoint the medications and natural agents best suited for treating your unique form of lung cancer. In the NCCN guided conventional cancer centers, not everyone gets access to precision oncology at the beginning of care, which is crucial for building a comprehensive treatment plan.

Envita Medical Centers building

The handful of patients who get access to precision receive a watered-down version of Envita's detailed Precision Oncology Lung Cancer Program. Our proprietary genomic identification analyses many more parameters than standard oncology to reveal the issues your body may be dealing with that are leading to treatment resistance. By addressing the resistance to treatment, we can aid in giving your body the greatest chance to respond to therapy. As far as we know, nobody in the United States tests and develops treatments the way we do here at Envita Medical Centers.

Envita Precision Algorithm vs.
Standard Oncology Precision Testing

RNA Transcriptome Genes
Envita Medical Centers: 20,000+
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Envita Medical Centers: 452
Standard Oncology: 309
Rearrangements/Fusion Genes
Envita Medical Centers: 51
Standard Oncology: 27
Microsatellite Instability (MSI)
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Checked
Tumor Mutation Burden (TMB)
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Checked
BRCA 1/2
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Checked
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Concurrent Liquid Biopsy
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Exosomal miRNA Analysis
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Circulating Tumor Cells Enumeration
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Individualized Therapy Recommendation
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Carcinogenic Exposure - Root Causes
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Inflammation Markers
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Metabolic Target Drivers
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked

*Individual results may vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes.

Step 2

Advanced Immunotherapy in Sync With Latest Cancer Research

Immunotherapy is a critical piece for effective lung cancer treatment, and we go beyond basic PD1 inhibitors and cancer vaccines to potentially improve patient responses. These forms of immunotherapy in cancer are helpful but may not be enough for patients whose immune systems have been ravaged by the disease. We have published extensively about “Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment”, and in our clinical experience, customizing and combining various forms of advanced immunotherapy boosts your body's own ability to fight lung cancer.

The body is naturally the best tool for fighting cancer, as our immune system destroys countless numbers of cancer cells every day but when it does not function properly, the cancerous cells grow and multiply. By supplementing our treatments with immunotherapy, we optimize the benefits of treatment for our patients.

We have the knowledge and experience to promote detoxification and immune restoration at a level that is unrivaled by most clinics in the country.

Ultra Analytes Liquid Biopsy
Ultra Analytes Liquid Biopsy is deployed to identify targeted immunotherapy options to help get your immune system working properly again. Learn more about Immunotherapy

Envita's Ultra Analytes Liquid Biopsy analyses the most recent mutations in your cancer cells by examining the Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs), free flowing in your blood. CTCs break away from a growing tumor and enter your blood stream, spreading the disease to different parts of the body. Analyzing these CTCs help to overcome the challenges of tissue biopsy, which may not reveal the latest mutations if the tissue sample being tested was not extracted recently. Basing your treatment on the latest mutations is essential to uproot the disease, reducing chances of a future lung nodule or lung mass growth and cancer spread.

Step 3

Personalized Drug Design for Optimizing Responses to Anti-Cancer Therapies

Our unique approach to cancer care is so advanced that often commercially available drugs are not viable for our patient's genetic cancer targets. To bridge this gap, our personalized drug design includes custom-compounded adjuvants developed in our own in-house pharmacy. In our clinical experience, a combination of FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved drugs, repurposed drugs, and custom-compounded adjuvants, is most effective in attacking your cancer's specific targets.

Learn more about Personalized Drug Design
FDA Approved Drugs
Optimized for your cancer mutations.
Repurposed Drugs
Off-label use of approved medications
Custom Compounded Adjuvants
Genetically typed for each patient.

Step 4

Precision Deployment of New Treatments for Improving Survival Rates

At Envita, we focus on many pathways for treating lung cancer to build a comprehensive protocol, which targets your cancerous cells while minimizing damage to the surrounding healthy cells. We focus on individualized treatment protocols that utilize the most modern and cutting-edge medications and treatments, going beyond the scope of standard chemo and radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy. Our proprietary treatments include genetically targeted low dose chemotherapy and other interventional radiology procedures, which enhance treatment benefits for patients, while reducing side effects, such as exhaustion, hair loss, and a weakened immune system.

GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy)

GTFC™ is used to deliver micro doses of genetically determined chemotherapy drugs, which optimize benefits while reducing several side effects of chemotherapy. Standardized chemotherapy methods often trigger devastating side effects which may cause more harm than good to the patient, because the maximum therapeutic dose is not genetically determined based on each patient's specific cancer expressions. We have extensive experience treating resistant and persistent cancers with GTFC™, which may be an effective treatment for those with chemotherapy resistant lung cancers.

CIPI™ (Chemo Immuno Precision Injections)

CIPI™ is a unique form of precision tumor embolization designed to treat resistant and aggressive tumors that are fibrous and difficult to penetrate through traditional intravenous chemotherapy administration methods. It increases the bioavailability of the anti-cancer drugs, potentially increasing tumor kill while strengthening your immune system. This interventional radiology procedure was created to provide advanced treatment options for patients suffering from late-stage and metastasized lung cancer where traditional chemotherapy administration or surgery is not a viable option.

Types of Lung Cancer

Lung cancers are classified into different types and sub types depending upon the kind of cells that make the lung tumors and their microscopic appearance. Each of these types can progress from stage 1 to stage 4 lung cancer, metastasizing to various parts of the body, if not treated effectively. They are categorized as:

Small Cell Lung Cancers (SCLC)

This type of lung cancer is mostly associated with cigarette smoking and is known to metastasize rapidly to various parts of the body. SCLC is further sub-divided into:

Small Cell Carcinoma (Oat Cell Cancer)
Combined Small Cell Carcinoma (which is a mix of small and large cells)

Non-small Cell Lung Cancers (NSCLC)

NSCLC is more common, comprising about 80% of all lung cancers. It is further sub-divided into:

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Large Cell Carcinoma

Superior Sulcus Tumors

These tumors are usually a rare type of NSCLC, but sometimes they may be caused due to other diseases like lymphoma or tuberculosis. Superior Sulcus Tumors generally grow in the upper part of the lung.

Superior Sulcus Tumors

Carcinoids are made up of neuroendocrine cells found in the lung. They usually grow slower than other types of lung cancer.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Persistent coughing for a prolonged period of time
Shortness of breath
Coughing up blood
Unexplained weight loss
Chest pain
Extreme fatigue

If you experience any of the above symptoms, then request for your local physician to perform a chest X-ray or CT scan of your chest. A CT scan report may show lung nodules or mass, which should be investigated properly to check whether they are benign tumors, or cancerous lumps needing urgent treatment.

Lung Cancer in Non-Smokers

When we begin treating lung cancer, we look deeper into your causative factors that may be feeding your lung cancer. Most patients are not aware that lung cancer develops from other causes beside cigarette smoking, but our published paper on Cancer and Infectious Causes highlights the role of infections, such as Chlamydia Pneumoniae, triggering your cancer. Apart from underlying infections, we also look at environmental and chemical causes, like radiation, asbestos, heavy metals, toxins, and epigenetics to identify and treat the root cause of your condition, while attacking the existing cancerous cells.

Risk Factors for Lung Cancer

Smoking cigarettes
Exposure to second-hand smoke
Infectious causes, such as Chlamydia Pneumoniae
Exposure to radioactive agents, such as radon
Exposure to asbestos
Excessive air pollution
Previous exposure to radiation therapy of the lungs
Family history

Call Us Now

At Envita, we combine the best options from both natural and conventional medicine to provide an all-encompassing approach to treatment. We have been leading the integrative cancer field for the last two decades, with access to a wider range of treatment options including the newest and best methods from around the world. Our location in Scottsdale, Arizona, gives us the advantage of implementing the best integrative techniques in the nation. Our philosophy is to provide the highest quality compassionate care to our patients and help them make meaningful and life-changing progress in the fight against their disease.

If you or one of your loved one is struggling with lung cancer, please contact our Patient Care Coordinator team at 1-866-830-4576 and let us help you fight lung cancer. May God bless you on your journey to healing.

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