Advanced Chemotherapy Treatment Options for Targeted Therapy

New Treatments Based on Latest Cancer Research

Your cancer treatment should not be riddled with side effects affecting your quality of life so much so that you find it difficult to comply or continue with your cancer care. At Envita Medical Centers, a Center of Excellence for precision integrative oncology, we draw from the latest cancer research to precisely target your cancerous cells while minimizing impact on surrounding healthy cells and other parts of the body.

In our clinical experience, most cancer patients do not receive the most appropriate chemotherapy drugs suited for their specific cancer microenvironment, which explains why they may experience severe side effects as well as multi-drug resistance. Our proprietary treatments including GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy) (linkaway to the section beneath that discusses GTFC), PVM (Platelet Vesicle Medication) GTF™ (linkaway to the section beneath that discusses pvm gtf), and CIPI™ (Chemo Immuno Precision Injections) (linkaway to the section beneath that discusses CIPI), are designed to overcome the challenges of standard maximum therapeutic dose untargeted chemotherapy. Envita’s proprietary treatments utilize a personalized combination of the most suitable chemo drugs, immunotherapy drugs, and targeted natural adjuvants, for each individual patient to attack their cancer from multiple angles, while bolstering their immune system.

Envita’s Proprietary Treatment Options Aimed at Overcoming Challenges in Cancer Care

The immune system plays a critical role in cancer care, as it is the first and last line of defense against cancer, however, it often gets overlooked in the standard one-size-fits-all treatment protocols. At Envita, our team of healthcare providers personalize chemotherapy treatment regimens based on detailed bioinformatics data and immune system analysis of each individual patient. This precision integrative oncology approach is crucial for improving outcomes, going beyond standard chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy, and invasive cancer surgeries.

The standard Chemotherapy treatments dictated by the NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) guidelines are based on the findings of large sample clinical trials including patients with similar stages and types of cancers, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, or lung cancer. The absence of patient-specific anticancer agents in these one-size-fits-all regimens may lead to certain challenges in cancer care. To overcome these challenges of standard maximum therapeutic dose chemotherapy, our specially trained healthcare team custom develops treatment protocols for each individual patient based on advanced precision oncology approach.

Why You Need Precision Oncology for Targeted Chemotherapy In All Types of Cancers

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

Envita’s targeted chemotherapies are based on customized algorithms to include genetic tests, transcriptomics, and immunotargets, of each individual patient. These detailed precision oncology tests and analysis of each patient’s cancer, guides our team of health professionals to the most appropriate cancer drugs with the highest chance of response in each individual patient.

1. GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy)

GTFC™ is our proprietary treatment utilizing not only low doses of targeted chemo agents, but it also enhances the impact on cancer cells by utilizing novel therapeutic windows induced by natural and integrative medicine. It improves delivery of targeted chemotherapy to the tumor by using a “Trojan Horse” delivery mechanism. Published studies indicate that the ability to delineate which drug can be used during chemotherapy from the analysis of molecular profiles through biomarkers is a significant improvement from the conventional method associated with treating the cancer by type and subtype; however, depending on the medication selected, one has the potential to further enhance the effects of cancer treatment by various factors. According to the National Cancer Institute, biomarker testing is a way to look for genes, proteins, and other substances (called biomarkers or tumor markers) that can provide information about cancer, but only 20% or fewer patients get access to these tests in standard Chemotherapy centers. At Envita, our team of physicians follow this direction to help every patient progress towards their goal of a holistic recovery, minimizing the chances of impediments, typically experienced in standard chemotherapy treatments.

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

2. PVM (Platelet Vesicle Medication) GTF™

PVM GTF™ delivery is designed to selectively affect the inflammatory microenvironment of tumors and cancer cells. Cancer often grows and spreads via inflammatory messaging and immune system evasion. PVM GTF™ aims to help to deliver the GTF targeted chemotherapy to cancers that are more inflammatory by nature, and this is facilitated by advanced testing and Envita’s precision algorithms. This technology uses micro-targeted delivery methods, aimed at activating chemotherapy toward tumors and cancer cells that are more metastatic inflammatory, in nature and often resistant to other treatments.

3. CIPI™ (Chemo Immuno Precision Injections)

To impact fibrous, difficult to reach, and inoperable tumors, we utilize CIPI™, which is a minimally invasive proprietary treatment for deactivating tumors by deploying anticancer agents directly at the tumor site. This interventional radiology procedure harnesses the latest in advanced patient-specific genomic data, which is used to create customized immunotherapy treatments that are combined with adjuvant agents and deployed directly inside the tumors of concern. CIPI™ is also designed to create a systemic immune response in the patient’s body, training it to identify and proactively treat cancerous cells elsewhere in the body by utilizing the neoantigens released by the deactivated tumors.

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

How Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies are Designed to Counteract Risks and Side Effects

This type of treatment including the precision integrative oncology approach is based on Envita’s precision algorithms and in-depth information about each patient’s cancer. It is key to customizing these targeted chemotherapies, which may utilize only a certain fraction of the medications delivered in maximum therapeutic dose untargeted chemotherapy. Here are the various ways in which targeted chemotherapies mitigate the risks and side effects of standard cancer treatments:

Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies (GTFC™, PVM GTF™, CIPI™) vs.
Standard Chemotherapy

Helps to improve chemotherapy delivery to the tumor using a "Trojan Horse" delivery mechanism.
Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses genetic molecular profiling to understand all the facets of each patient's specific cancer.
Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses targeted treatment to enhance the mechanism of cancer kill.
Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses microdosed (fractionated) chemotherapies, reducing the chances of impacting healthy cells.
Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Minimizes toxicity to normal cells, lowering the chance of side-effects related to administration.
Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses patient-specific supportive immunotherapy to strengthen the immune system.
Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Aims to reduce multidrug resistance by administering 10 - 20% of the medication delivered in maximum dose chemo.
Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Allows custom-compounded medications to be readministered in tandem to suit each patient's individual cancer mutations.
Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Specific targeting strategies for cancer which are more metastatic and inflammatory in nature.
Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Direct deployment of chemotherapy and immunotherapy agents at the tumor site.
Envita’s Targeted Chemotherapies: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked

*Individual results may vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes.

Superior Bioavailability of Drugs to Counter Multi-Drug Resistance

Multidrug resistance (MDR) is responsible for over 90% of deaths in cancer patients receiving traditional chemotherapeutics or novel targeted drugs. Resistances exist against every effective anticancer drug and can develop by numerous mechanisms including decreased drug uptake, increased drug efflux (removal), and the activation of detoxifying systems. To check these mechanisms which lead to MDR, Envita’s targeted chemotherapies utilize novel strategies for ensuring superior absorption of low dose chemo drugs by the cancerous cells. Typically, an estimated 4-7% of standard maximum therapeutic dose untargeted chemotherapy gets absorbed by the cancerous cells. However, at Envita, our goal is to increase this absorption rate to 100%, and we try to achieve it in different ways, such as, by enhancing the bioavailability of drugs and utilizing varied ways for precision deployment of the anticancer drugs.

Personalized Medicine Combinations to Reduce Severe Side Effects

Enhancing absorption rate of the cancerous cells and utilizing personalized combination of patient-specific chemo and immuno agents facilitates desired impact on the cancerous cells, without the need for inundating the patient’s body with standard maximum therapeutic dose chemotherapy. Since our targeted chemotherapies are based on a detailed analysis of immunotherapy markers, and other biomarkers like cancer antigen, metabolic, epigenetic (miRNA), genetic, and chromosomal, it guides our team of physicians to choose the chemo agents with a higher chance of response in each individual patient. This precision oncology approach, based on in-depth testing, increases the chances of optimal results as patients get lower dosage of more targeted chemo agents than standard chemotherapy. The low dosage reduces the chances of side effects, like hair loss, neuropathy, cardiotoxicity, loss of appetite, and constipation, typically associated with standard chemotherapy, while utilizing a greater number of targeted chemo agents enhances the mechanisms of cancer kill.

Based on Latest Mutations to Minimize Chances of Recurrence and Metastasis

At Envita, we are not limited by the findings of a tumor biopsy, as we strive to precisely target and proactively treat the cancer, even before it manifests symptoms of metastasis. In our clinical opinion, basing treatments purely on the findings of a tumor biopsy may be outdated, both in early stage as well as late-stage advanced cancers. In early-stage disease, there is a risk of missing the initial signs of micro metastatic disease with just tissue biopsies. For example, a tissue biopsy may stage a breast cancer patient as stage 2 or 1 as the tumor may seem fully contained, leading to the recommendation of lumpectomies or mastectomies. However, a tumor as small as 2mm in diameter also has the potential of breaking away into CTCs (Circulating Tumor Cells), which enter the blood stream, spreading the disease to surrounding lymph nodes or other distant parts of the body, rendering the surgeries redundant. To minimize such risks of recurrence or metastasis, our team of physicians utilize proprietary liquid biopsies, which are designed to identify the latest mutations in each patient’s cancer by analyzing (CTCs), free flowing in the patient’s blood stream. This analysis is crucial in later stages because cancerous cells tend to mutate faster in advanced stages of the diseases, highlighting the need for customized treatments based on the latest mutations.

Graph depicting Envita Medical Centers' method

Patient Specific Immunotherapies Aimed at Sustained Outcomes

Studies indicate how chemotherapy can also induce immune suppression which can have significant implications for patient outcomes, which explains why we, at Envita, always combine patient-specific immunotherapies with our targeted chemotherapy programs. Our targeted personalized immunotherapies go beyond the scope of standard immune checkpoint inhibitors and cancer vaccines. These powerful combination treatment strategies not only help to intensify the mechanisms of action against the cancer, but also reactivates the immune system of each individual patient to help them sustain lasting outcomes.

Avoid Invasive Surgeries and its Side Effects

At Envita, our team of specially trained physicians are cognizant of the toll on the immune system caused by invasive surgeries, which is why we try to avoid it when possible. Studies indicate that surgical trauma results in systemic and secondary site changes that might favor the formation of new metastases and potentiate the growth of pre-existent micro metastases. However, with our proprietary CIPI™ we aim to overcome the risks of invasive surgeries, where applicable, making it a preferred choice of treatment for many patients with limited options.

Envita's CIPI™ vs.
Standard Surgery

Minimally invasive so it can be performed within 40-50 minutes, without the need for large surgical incisions.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Can be performed multiple times, even at close intervals, because there is minimal risk of post-op complications.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
No need for general anesthesia, reducing the health risks that can result from being put into a medically induced coma to perform an invasive surgery.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Faster recovery time as compared to traditional surgery, due to the minimally invasive administration.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Provides direct tumor targeting, which delivers patient-specific genomic agents into the tumor.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Causes a systemic immune response where the immune system is reactivated to find and attack other metastatic cancer sites in the body.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Performed by highly trained medical professionals in an outpatient setting, so there is no need of hospital stays for recovery.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked

*Individual results may vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes.

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Our team of physicians including oncologists, interventional radiologists, and naturopaths, undergo extensive training for over 1,500 hours in the advanced personalized precision integrative oncology approach. If you or your loved ones are impacted by a cancer diagnosis, please contact us for a true second opinion and precision treatment options. Call us at 866-830-4576 to learn more about your treatment options. May God bless you on your journey to healing!

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