Early, Late-Stage, and Metastatic Cervical
Cancer Treatment Options Call Now
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Early, Late-Stage, and Metastatic Cervical Cancer Treatment Options

Advanced Treatment Options Helping Patients Go Beyond the Limits of Standard Care

A complex mix of infections, lifestyle choices, and hereditary factors, may trigger genetic mutations leading to cervical cancer. But before you take drastic measures to treat your cancer, we invite you to learn about Envita’s proprietary methods of treatment which may be the options you have been missing in conventional oncology care.

At Envita Medical Centers, a world-class integrative center for Precision Oncology located in Scottsdale, Arizona, we specialize in identifying and holistically treating the causes of cancer, even advanced cervical cancers.

Our clinical experience of over 25 years in treating both chronic infections and late-stage cancers, enable us to go beyond standard treatments like radiation therapy, brachytherapy, chemoradiation, cone biopsy or conization, and surgeries including radical hysterectomy, radical trachelectomy, and pelvic exenteration.

Envita’s proprietary new treatments, which include patient-specific immunotherapies, CIPI™ (Chemo Immuno Precision Injections), and GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy), are aimed at uprooting the cancer without causing severe side effects, such as fatigue, nausea, knee pain, or loss of fertility, in gynecologic cancers. Our powerful combinations of the latest conventional treatments and research-based natural medicines have proved effective for patients by going beyond the reach of standardized cervical cancer treatments potentially leading to a healthy, disease-free life.

Jill’s Firm Resolve to Seek Cutting-Edge Treatments for her Recurrent Metastatic Cervical Cancer, Led Her to Envita!

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

This article covers basic facts about Cervical Cancer, including:

Envita’s Options Over Conventional Cervical Cancer Treatment

Envita Medical Centers has invested years of research into advancing the treatment of chronic infectious diseases like human papilloma virus (HPV), which are directly linked to causing cancer [1]. Our physicians have gained key insights into the complicated nature of HPV, and that experience is essential for the proper treatment of cervical cancer in both late and early stages. With cervical cancer screening programs like pap tests included in wellness check-ups, the disease may get detected in its early precancerous stages, but without effective treatment the infection can progress to cause cancer.

Infections can impact the immune system and cause immune resistance and inflammation, leading to the growth and spread of cancer. Our goal is to address all the concurrent factors to help our patients progress towards long-term remission.
Dr. Dino Prato NMD
Founder/CEO Envita Medical Centers

In our clinical opinion, if the root causes of cancer are not treated then despite an early-stage diagnosis and treatment, the disease can come back as recurrent cervical cancer. If this cancer of the cervix recurs, there is a high risk of its metastatic spread, which is characterized by lesions on other parts of the body, such as, the pelvic lymph nodes, uterine organs like ovaries, gastrointestinal organs like stomach, intestine, rectum, or other distant regions. To aid in the resistance of metastases and increase treatment options, beyond palliative care, we break away from the conventional NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) guidelines to provide precision treatment options tailored to our patients’ needs.

According to the American Cancer Society’s report based on patient outcomes across standard cancer centers, whichtypically follow the NCCN guidelines, the 5-year relative survival rate of Cervical Cancer drops down to 18% when the disease spreads to distant parts of the body, making precision care critical right from the start.

The guided NCCN treatment regimens are based on the type and stage of cancer without taking into account the unique underlying causative factors of each person’s individual cancer. The lack of personalization in the one-size-fits-all protocols explain why every patient with the same type and stage of cervical cancer does not have the same desired result. To improve results and help patients experience long-term remissions, Envita’s expert team treats the unique set of causes in this area of gynecologic oncology.

Envita Medical Centers
Medical Team

Physicians with MD, MD(h), and NMD medical licenses, including certified oncologists, and certified interventional radiologists, striving to provide the latest cancer innovations
Pharmacists specializing in integrative agents
Nurses trained in precision treatment delivery

Detailed Case Study Discussing How Envita’s Team of Integrative Physicians Treated a Stage 4 Metastatic Cervical Cancer Patient

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

HPV and Other Concurrent Factors Impacting Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancers can be difficult to treat especially when patients have progressed to late-stage disease, which is why Envita’s committed team focuses on treating the unique set of core causes responsible for triggering the disease in each individual patient. While HPV infection is one of the most common causes of cervical cancer, other concurrent factors like lifestyle and immune system functions may also activate mutations, causing cancer.

There are numerous types of HPV, but around 15 of these have oncogenic potential, causing an increased risk of cancer [1]. These types of HPV can trigger genetic mutations, which may go unchecked by your immune system, leading to the development of cervical cancer.

Certain lifestyles patterns such as excessive smoking impact your immunity, serving as a risk factor for the growth and proliferation of cervical cancer. In general, HPV is thought to be responsible for more than 90% of anal and cervical cancers, about 70% of vaginal and vulvar cancers, and 60% of penile cancers [2].

HPV attaches itself to the heparin-sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) located on the basal membrane of the cervix lining by entering the body through a wound (micro abrasion) on the cervix. HSPG molecules are large structures composed of core proteins that play a key role in many cellular processes. Select HPV types, particularly those associated with cervical cancer, have multiple HSPG binding sites, providing the virus with increased opportunities to attach itself to the cells of the basal membrane [3].

Once attached, the virus injects its DNA into the stem cell nucleus, infecting the cell and commandeering its functions. The HPV releases several oncoproteins to fully integrate itself into the host cell genome. Two of them, the E6 and E7 oncoproteins, directly impact the infected cell’s cycle regulation, inducing processes that lead to cancer [4].

E6 protein degrades p53 protein, cell does not die

E6 inhibits or degrades the host cells' p53 protein, which is one of the most important genes in the human genomes for regulating cell division and death. With degraded p53 protein, the host cells cannot effectively prevent this process of apoptosis, which explains why the HPV infection can lead to abnormal cell growth and development of cancer.

E7 destroys pRb protein, infected cell multiplies exponentially

The E7 oncoprotein disrupts the pRb protein, leading to uncontrolled replication of the virally infected cell. E6 and E7 oncoproteins can induce cancerous mutations in the cell, including apoptosis evasion, growth suppressor reduction, and cellular proliferation deregulation.

E7 destroys pRb protein, infected cell multiplies exponentially

Properly identifying these oncoproteins and downregulating the oncogenes they affect, is an essential aspect of Envita’s personalized method for cervical cancer treatment, and it can make all the difference when trying to achieve substantial and long-lasting success against cervical cancer.

Infected stem cell proliferates and spreads

Envita’s Targeted Therapies Going Beyond Standard Treatments and Clinical Trials

At Envita, targeted therapies are not just one of the treatment options for cervical cancer, rather all our treatments are precision-targeted to attack the root cause of each patient’s individual cancer. This approach of personalized precision oncology follows the N-of-1 clinical trial approach, which is a single-subject clinical trial designed to enhance the efficacy of treatment for each patient, contrary to testing the efficacy of a new drug or treatment as in large-sample clinical trials.

The expert medical team at Envita personalizes treatments to address both, the cervical cancer itself as well as the multitude of possible underlying conditions like HPV that may be driving cervical cancer. We build a unique medical blueprint based on the four crucial pillars of genomic identification, immuno targeting, personalized drug design, and precision deployment. Following this four-step process to personalize treatment helps us in optimizing patients’ quality of life, increasing their longevity, and reducing treatment-related side effects and toxicities, for a more holistic recovery as compared to standard cervical cancer treatments.

Graph depicting Envita Medical Centers' method

Step 1

Genomic Identification Finds Your Underlying Causes

Our in depth extensive genomic identification helps find the unique set of underlying causes responsible for triggering mutations in each individual patient leading to their cervical cancer. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), long-lasting infection with certain types of HPV is the most common cause of cervical cancer [5], which signifies that treating HPV can be a vital part of tackling cervical cancer to provide enduring results.

While our experience in treating chronic infection gives us an edge over standard cancer treatment centers to treat this infection based gynecologic cancer, we also dive into other potential causative factors of each patient’s cervical cancer via our detailed genomic identification. This process of genomic identification is considered a part of precision oncology, and not everyone in standard NCCN protocols gets access to precision oncology as their first line of treatment.

At Envita, Every Patients Gets Access to a Detailed Genomic Analysis

Envita Medical Centers building

The NCCN allows precision oncology as a follow-up to failed first line of treatment, but this delay can have devastating impacts as cancer is a life-threatening condition. To counter this challenge and ensure that every patient receives the best chance at overcoming this disease, we perform an exhaustive genomic analysis, which analyses parameters such as transcriptome genes, pharmacogenomics, and inflammation markers, to effectively treat the cancer.

Envita Precision Algorithm vs.
Standard Oncology Precision Testing

RNA Transcriptome Genes
Envita Medical Centers: 20,000+
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Envita Medical Centers: 452
Standard Oncology: 309
Rearrangements/Fusion Genes
Envita Medical Centers: 51
Standard Oncology: 27
Microsatellite Instability (MSI)
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Checked
Tumor Mutation Burden (TMB)
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Checked
BRCA 1/2
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Checked
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Concurrent Liquid Biopsy
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Exosomal miRNA Analysis
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Circulating Tumor Cells Enumeration
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Individualized Therapy Recommendation
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Carcinogenic Exposure - Root Causes
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Inflammation Markers
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked
Metabolic Target Drivers
Envita Medical Centers: Checked
Standard Oncology: Unchecked

*Individual results may vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes.

Dissection of this detailed genomic analysis helps us to personalize a treatment plan for each individual patient, aimed at uprooting their cervical cancer and helping in their holistic recovery.

Step 2

Immuno Targeting Helps Counter Metastasis

At Envita, we utilize various levels of personalized immunotherapies for all our patients, irrespective of their stage of cervical cancer. The immune system is the body’s first and best line of defense against cancer and infectious diseases like HPV, which is why harnessing the power of immunotherapy can prove to be crucial in successfully treating cervical cancer. Recent studies show how certain combination of drugs can be effective for advanced cervical cancers, and at Envita we not only utilize those combinations, but many other combination therapies which have proved beneficial for our patients [6].

Our personalized immunotherapies go beyond the scope of standard monoclonal antibodies, checkpoint inhibitors, and smart drugs, to not only serve as efficient adjuvants to chemotherapies or radiation, but also to check metastases and treat the disease comprehensively.

We use the Ultra Analytes Liquid Biopsy to analyze the latest mutations by examining the Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) collected from your blood sample. The CTCs are cells which break away from a growing tumor and enter a patient’s blood stream, spreading the disease to different parts of the body. Analyzing these CTCs establishes the actionable chemotherapy and immunotherapy targets, which helps to proactively treat cancer and avoid the risk of its metastatic spread.

Envita Medical Centers is leading the customized immunotherapeutic and immunotherapy adjunctive oncological healthcare industry. We have designed proprietary immunotherapy modalities genetically targeted to each patient’s unique cervical cancer expression, using the latest technologies in oncology from around the world.

Envita’s Immunotherapy Options Fight Cancer Cells>

Our decades of clinical experience provide keen insight into research-based epigenetic influences on cell mutation and growth. The disruption in the balance between certain genes, such as the oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes can have a significant impact on the proliferation of cancers.

Animated depiction of cancer cells

Envita’s customized protocols identify and modulate patient-specific oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes to affect cancer on a genetic level. Down regulating oncogenes that have been modulated by HPV and other cancerous factors can be essential to slowing the progress of cervical cancer. When combined with the upregulation of tumor suppressor genes, these personalized genetic therapies can provide results for patients suffering from even advanced cervical cancers.

Envita’s Immunotherapy Options Fight Cancer Cells>

Step 3

Personalized Drug Design to Boost Treatment Efficacy

We personalize all the drugs administered either intravenously or orally to optimize their response in each individual patient. In our clinical experience, these personalized drugs precision-target the changing biomarkers of each patient’s specific cancer cells. Biomarkers are attributes of cancer cells containing specific chemotherapy and immunotherapy targets.

Learn more about Personalized Drug Design
FDA Approved Drugs
Optimized for your cancer mutations.
Repurposed Drugs
Off-label use of approved medications
Custom Compounded Adjuvants
Genetically typed for each patient.

A combination of FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved drugs, repurposed drugs, and custom-compounded adjuvants are used to target the unique set of causes responsible for each patient’s cervical cancer, from all sides. We adjust the dosage of the FDA approved and repurposed drugs to suit each individual patient, because not everyone metabolizes at the same rate.

The custom-compounded adjuvants include advanced phytotherapeutic medicines, which are custom compounded at our in-house pharmacy. All these types of medicines make a powerful combination for enhancing tumor kill, while strengthening your immune system to boost treatment efficacy without causing serious side effects.

Step 4

Precision Deployment of New Treatments for a Comprehensive Attack

At Envita, we use proprietary new treatments, which are precision deployed to target your cancer cells, making the medicines potentially more effective with minimal side effects. These intravenous and interventional radiology procedures optimize the bioavailability of your personalized anti-cancer medications, enabling us to launch a comprehensive attack on your specific cervical cancer cells.

Animated depiction of cancer cells

Depending on the site and size of your tumor and your specific cancer expressions, our expert team of doctors choose either one or a combination of some of our precision deployment mechanisms. They are as follows:

GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy)

Chemotherapy, along with radiation, such as internal radiation or External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT) is often used to treat late-stage cervical cancer, but high dose chemo and powerful X-rays, electrons, or protons, in these radiotherapies generally cause severe treatment side effects. In certain cases, patients are unable to continue treatment due to side effects, such as debilitating pains and exhaustion.

To counter such challenges, Envita utilizes GTFC™, which is our proprietary form of customizable chemotherapy that offers fractionated dosing as opposed to standard maximum dosed untargeted chemotherapy. GTFC™ utilizes advanced genetic testing and proprietary treatment algorithms to maximize the mechanism of action against each patient’s individual cervical cancer.

GTFC™ is also strategically devised to allow better absorption of medications into the cancerous cells, which in turn reduces the risk of damage to surrounding healthy cells. This low dose chemotherapy potentially increases the effectiveness of the anti-cancer medicines, while reducing their toxicities and negative effects.

Hear What Envita Patients Are Saying About GTFC™

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

Envita's GTFC™ vs.
Standard Chemotherapy

Helps to improve chemotherapy delivery to the tumor using a "Trojan Horse" delivery mechanism.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses genetic molecular profiling to understand all the facets of each patient's specific cancer.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses targeted treatment to enhance the mechanism of cancer kill.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses microdosed (fractionated) chemotherapies, reducing the chances of impacting healthy cells.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Minimizes toxicity to normal cells, lowering the chance of side-effects related to administration.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Uses patient-specific supportive immunotherapy to strengthen the immune system.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Aims to reduce multidrug resistance by administering 10 - 20% of the medication delivered in maximum dose chemo.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked
Allows custom-compounded medications to be readministered in tandem to suit each patient's individual cancer mutations.
Envita's GTFC™: Checked
Standard Chemotherapy: Unchecked

*Individual results may vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes.

Learn more about Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy

CIPI™ (Chemo Immuno Precision Injections)

CIPI™ is Envita’s revolutionary chemoembolization procedure performed through interventional radiology to impact difficult to reach tumors. This targeted and genetically driven treatment can work to attack your tumor and activate your immune system, as chemo and immuno agents are pushed directly to the tumor through a catheter, thinner than a strand of hair.

CIPI™ can combat solid tumors by not only shutting them down intratumorally, but it also utilizes the neoantigens released by the tumor die off to teach your immune system to find and kill cancer cells anywhere else in the body. This immune system response created by CIPI™ helps in proactively checking chances of potential cancer growth and spread.

Envita's CIPI™ vs.
Standard Surgery

Minimally invasive so it can be performed within 40-50 minutes, without the need for large surgical incisions.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Can be performed multiple times, even at close intervals, because there is minimal risk of post-op complications.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
No need for general anesthesia, reducing the health risks that can result from being put into a medically induced coma to perform an invasive surgery.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Faster recovery time as compared to traditional surgery, due to the minimally invasive administration.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Provides direct tumor targeting, which delivers patient-specific genomic agents into the tumor.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Causes a systemic immune response where the immune system is reactivated to find and attack other metastatic cancer sites in the body.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked
Performed by highly trained medical professionals in an outpatient setting, so there is no need of hospital stays for recovery.
Envita's CIPI™: Checked
Standard Surgery: Unchecked

*Individual results may vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes.

Learn more about CIPI™

Common Types of Cervical Cancers

Based on the type of cells where the disease originates, cervical cancer is largely divided into:

Squamous cell Carcinomas: Most common type of cervical cancer, which originates in the squamous cells, found in the part where the endocervix (cervical opening leading to the uterus) meets the exocervix or ectocervix (outer part that can be seen by a doctor).
Adenocarcinomas: Develops from the glandular cells in the endocervix.
Adenosquamous Carcinoma or Mixed Carcinoma: This rare type of cervical cancer is a mix of the above two types.

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Envita's expert team comprising oncologists, interventional radiologists, researchers, and pharmacists, have in-depth knowledge and innovative therapies to provide the highest possible level of cancer care. They undergo over 1,500 hours of training to specialize in this unique approach of personalized precision oncology, which has helped thousands of cancer patients struggling with late-stage and resistant diagnosis, discover precision results. If you or a loved one is struggling with cervical cancer, please don’t hesitate to contact our patient care coordinators at 866-830-4576 today.


[1] Smith, A.J., Oertle, J. and Prato, D. (2014) Cancer and Infectious Causes. Open Journal of Medical Microbiology, 4, 161-177. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojmm.2014.43019

[2] https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/hpv/basic_info/cancers.htm

[3] Richards KF, Bienkowska-Haba M, Dasgupta J, Chen XS, Sapp M. Multiple heparan sulfate binding site engagements are required for the infectious entry of human papillomavirus type 16. J Virol. 2013;87(21):11426-11437. doi:10.1128/JVI.01721-13

[4] Pal A, Kundu R. Human Papillomavirus E6 and E7: The Cervical Cancer Hallmarks and Targets for Therapy. Front Microbiol. 2020;10:3116. Published 2020 Jan 21. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.03116

[5] https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/cervical/basic_info/index.htm

[6] O'Malley DM, Neffa M, Monk BJ, et al. Dual PD-1 and CTLA-4 Checkpoint Blockade Using Balstilimab and Zalifrelimab Combination as Second-Line Treatment for Advanced Cervical Cancer: An Open-Label Phase II Study. J Clin Oncol. 2022;40(7):762-771. doi:10.1200/JCO.21.02067

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