Precision Stage 4 Cancer Treatment
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Early, Late-Stage, and Metastatic Stage 4 Cancer Treatment

Envita Medical Centers is a clinic of excellence for personalized oncology located in Scottsdale, Arizona. With nearly two decades of extensive experience treating late-stage, complex, and refractory-to-care cancer diagnoses, the experts at Envita Medical Centers have found cancer to be a genetically and immunologically driven disease that can vary widely from patient to patient. While the standardized approach to cancer may be effective in the very early stages of disease, it is all too common in later stage cancers to develop mutations and resistance that can evade chemotherapy. The patients at Envita Medical Centers come to our clinic because they need a more detailed and tailored approach. With advanced precision testing and personalized targeted treatment selections, Envita can help to turn the tide in the favor of late-stage and resistant cancer patients. The common phrase we here from our patients is, “I wish I would have known about Envita sooner”.

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

Envita Medical Centers has helped thousands of metastatic cancer patients find amazing success by providing a personalized integrative approach. This starts with Envita’s genetic testing that goes beyond standard genomic cancer analysis into the next level of highly detailed and precision targeted labs. With this highly comprehensive information, Envita can custom build protocols to hit the most current and effective genetic and immunological targets, strengthening the patient and their immune system. With superior, genetically targeted medicine and advanced technology, Envita helps cancer patients outperform other facilities and gain valuable progress against late-stage and complex cancers.

A graphical depiction of cancer cells

Precision Targeted, Multifaceted Approach to Stage 4 Cancer Treatment

Envita Medical Centers’s precision-targeted, patient-based cancer treatment modalities are designed to help patients who have exhausted conventional medical and other natural treatment resources. We use a comprehensive treatment strategy that focuses on addressing key factors in the development and circulation of cancer. The microenvironment around the cancer, micro-satellite instability, epigenetics, and immuno-reactivity are crucial drivers in the growth and spread of cancer and are essential targets in the development of Envita’s treatment protocols.

Your Cancer’s Microenvironment

Once a tumor reaches 2mm in diameter, it can no longer sustain itself and the cells within the tumor begin to produce a signaling protein known as VEGF, or vascular endothelial growth factor. VEGF stimulates the formation of new, irregular blood vessels around the tumor to feed it.

Once it gains a blood supply, the tumor can now grow exponentially, but more importantly, tumor cells can now break off and travel within blood vessels to the far reaches of the body. This is known as metastasis and it is the leading cause of death by cancer.

A graphical depiction of a the tumor growing exponentially

Through a process known as angiogenesis, growth factors like VEGFA can be regulated, blocking the tumors’ ability to develop a blood supply [1]. Often the drugs selected to treat metastasis are limited to antiangiogenic medications alone. Envita’s personalized treatment protocols work to decelerate or prevent metastasis by addressing the microenvironment around your cancer. Our doctors can utilize antiangiogenic smart drug technology, alongside customized integrative medicines, to silence cancerous blood vessel growth, thereby slowing the spread of circulating cancer cells. Combining genetic targets and natural agents with comprehensive and highly detailed testing allows for customized medication that focuses on the patient’s specific needs, making all the difference in care.

A graphical depiction of the process known as angiogenesis

Microsatellite Instability

A second key factor that must be addressed is microsatellite instability. Microsatellite instabilities (MSI) are defined as, “A change that occurs in certain cells (such as cancer cells) in which the number of repeated DNA bases in a microsatellite (a short, repeated sequence of DNA) is different from what it was when the microsatellite was inherited.”

In other words, MSI are thought to be the result of mutations that do not get corrected when DNA is copied inside of a cell. This allows for the continued mutation of the cancerous cells, making treatment extremely difficult because of constantly changing targets. Envita has next level testing to accurately measure these rates and deploy the correct treatments to slow them down. It can be very important to accurately target your cancer because mutational rates can be worsened by the wrong chemotherapy selection. Overcoming the mutational rate of the cancer is essential to improving outcomes and powerfully impacting the cancer. Last month’s cancer is not today’s cancer; we know this at Envita and have developed treatments to address microsatellite instability to help keep our patients one step ahead of their disease.

A graphical depiction of a healthy cell
A graphical depiction of a cancerous cell

Which is why at Envita Medical Centers we perform advanced genomic testing, utilizing next generation DNA sequencing focused on circulating tumor cells, or CTCs. CTCs carry the most recently mutated form of a cancer’s genetic markers. This advanced form of testing gives our doctors access to real-time data for creating an up-to-date customized medical blueprint of a patient and their cancer’s genetic biomarkers. This true medical blueprint is combined with Envita’s customized algorithms to precisely monitor and treat mutational rates, genomic targets, and immunotherapy targets. It really all comes down to detailed precision and Envita provides the most customized treatment plan to target each patient unique needs.

A graphical depiction of cancer’s genetic markers

This true medical blueprint is continuously updated as our patient’s cancer targets change. Setting the foundation for personalized treatment protocols that proactively target the most recent genetic markers. Envita targets these genetic signatures with precision driven medications and therapy options designed specifically for that patient, providing a greater chance at achieving success against the cancer.

Epigenetic Influences on Mutation

Our decades of clinical experience have lent us keen insight into other important epigenetic influences on cell mutation and growth. Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes can have a huge impact on the proliferation of cancers and Envita has developed indispensable experience identifying and modulating these genes. Proto-oncogenes are genes that normally help cells grow. When a proto-oncogene mutates, it can cause uncontrolled growth of the cell. These mutated genes are called oncogenes. Adversely, tumor suppressor genes, as the name implies, are genes that slow down cell division and repair DNA mistakes. They are also responsible for signaling apoptosis or programmed cell death.

Metastasis and tumor growth have been highly correlated with loss of tumor suppressor and oncogene regulation [4]. Cancerous cells have an abnormal balance of tumor suppression and oncogene expression [5]. Normally the body uses these genes to regulate cell division and death. When they are disrupted though, cancerous cells can form [5]. In time, these cells will work to gain a blood supply through the angiogenesis process and begin spreading throughout the body. If miRNA is not addressed in treatment as soon as possible, the cancer can spread and become more and more difficult to treat.

When these genes are mutated, cells can again grow out of control and lead to cancer. So, to affect the spread of cancer on an epigenetic level, we must both “turn off” oncogenes and “turn on” tumor suppressor genes. And that is exactly the epigenetic approach we take at Envita Medical Centers. Using MiRNA gene silencing, Envita treatment protocols promote the downregulation of oncogenes and the upregulation of tumor suppressor genes, promoting apoptosis of the cancerous cells.

A graphical depiction of oncogenes

There are thousands of different MiRNA variations; Envita’s advanced genomic testing of circulating tumor cells allows for identification of MiRNA targets through next-generation DNA sequencing. With Envita’s customized algorithm, we precision target the most recent mutations of that patient’s individual cancer. Combined with customized integrative medications, Envita’s unique precision treatment protocols aim to aggressively downregulate oncogenes and upregulate tumor suppressor genes. In this way we may initiate the body's natural defense against cancerous cells and possibly halt the growth and spread of the disease.

A graphical depiction of cancer cells

Overcoming Suppressed Immuno-Reactivity

Still another hurdle to overcome when treating Stage 4 or late-stage cancers is suppressed immuno-reactivity, or the immune system’s ability to identify and respond to that cancer. Many patients often have ravaged immune systems, not only from their cancer or infections, but also from receiving failed high-dose chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments.

A robust and healthy immune system has the capability to adapt dynamically and the immune system is recognized as being integral in the fight against cancer [2]. As cancer cells mutate, a properly regulated immune system can actively re-evaluate and respond to those mutations [2]. Studies have found that some metastatic cancer patients who have not responded well to treatment, have found success with immunotherapy [3]. It is key to re-establishing immunoreactivity for each unique patient.

A graphical depiction of oncogenes

Re-establishing immunoreactivity involves methods by which we can turn a cold tumor (a tumor that hasn’t been recognized by or provoked a strong response in the immune system) into a hot tumor (one that has been swarmed by T-cells, creating an inflamed tumor).

Neo-antigens are markers that signal the cancer cell and tumors to the immune system. Envita’s immunotherapy and immunotherapy adjunctive options are designed to re-establish the immune system and potentially re-program it to recognize the tumors’ neo-antigens and fight the cancer.

Advanced Customizable Therapies

Envita Medical Centers has developed many specialized proprietary therapies to personalize treatment options and directly attack hard to reach and complex late-stage cancers. Dedicated treatments such as Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy (GTFC™), Chemo Immunotherapy Percutaneous Injections (CIPI™), and Autologous Adoptive Immunotherapy (AAIT) are just a few of the techniques and strategies that Envita’s physicians utilize to build advanced customized treatment protocols.

Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy

Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy, or GTFC™, is a personalized form of cancer treatment that uses genetic data, cancer biomarkers, and molecular targets to determine the potentially most effective patient-specific chemotherapies and immunotherapy agents. Through advanced genomic testing, GTFC™ precision targets a patient’s unique genetic markers and cancer chemo sensitivities. This data is continuously updated and analyzed by our expert physicians to dynamically tailor GTFC™ and other treatment option for each patient. To ensuring that each treatment is adapted to the patient’s personal combination of genetic targets, GTFC™, and all Envita’s custom compounded IVs, are created in our in-house pharmacy.

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.

This precision targeted method can minimize the dosage needed to achieve tumor kill, effectively working to maximize the effectiveness of chemotherapy while possibly reducing the chances for negative side-effects. At Envita, we take a more advanced approach. By combining GTFC™ with natural, research-based therapies, immunotherapies, and many other world-class treatments, we can provide a multifaceted personalized approach to treating cancer that is truly unique to our clinic.

Chemo Immunotherapy Percutaneous Injections (CIPI™)

A new form of tumor chemoembolization called Chemo Immunotherapy Percutaneous Injections, or CIPI™, is an advanced treatment method for fibrous tumors that are difficult to penetrate through traditional intravenous chemotherapy treatment. By combining our unique personalized treatment protocols with the accuracy and increased precision of direct injection interventional radiology, we are approaching a new frontier in cancer treatment.

This video is for informational purposes only. Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees. Consult with your doctor to see if CIPI™ is right for you. Not every patient is a candidate for Chemo Immuno Precision Injection. Some cancers may not have actionable biomarkers or molecular profiles. Do not alter your medical care based on any information provided in this video. Please, consult your doctor prior to changing or stopping any current medical treatment you are receiving.

CIPI™ is a targeted, minimally invasive option for cancer patients who are unable to undergo surgical tumor. The CIPI™ procedure is designed for cancers that originate in dense tissues that traditional intravenous chemotherapy has been ineffective penetrating, like pancreatic and liver cancer. CIPI™ is a procedure performed through interventional radiology that allows for precise delivery of personalized genetically targeted medications directly into the cancerous tumors. By directly injecting medications into the tumor we can potentially achieve maximum exposure of the genetically targeted medications to the tumor, making it a very powerful method of targeted treatment delivery.

Autologous Adoptive Immunotherapy (AAIT)

Autologous Adoptive Immunotherapy (AAIT) is a type of therapy that is only available in our Mexico center and is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of cancer within the United States. AAIT utilizes a targeted natural killer cell treatment using the patient's own immune system.

With nearly a decade of experience in treating the most difficult cancers, we have developed one of the most innovative immune-based cancer treatment therapies in existence. AAIT is our proprietary method of helping cancer patients achieve stronger immune systems by supplementing their bodies with healthy immune cells that have the ability to fight cancer. In essence, AAIT is akin to an immune system transplant. However, unlike organ transplants, in which organs are obtained from one person and given to another, the cells that are transplanted in the AAIT process are autologous, which means they are the patient's own cells.

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.


Envita Medical Centers has spent the last two decades treating the most resistant and aggressive late-stage cancers. We have helped thousands of cancer patients from all around the world, including many stage four cancers patients, find real progression against their condition. Many patients finish their treatment at Envita and wish they would have found us sooner but are still grateful to have experienced the amazing healing that happens at our center.

Our goal is to provide the best possible chance for our patients to positively progress against their disease. We combine the best research based integrative and conventional therapies from around the world with cutting-edge genetic testing, to build completely customized genetically targeted protocols for each individual patients’ unique needs. By going above and beyond the standard level of care, we hope to help our patients achieve success where other facilities have failed. If you have any questions about metastasis or your specific cancer treatment, please contact our Patient Care Coordinators at 866-830-4576 and learn more about Envita’s unique approach to cancer.

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[1] Kawagishi, H., et al., ARF Suppresses Tumor Angiogenesis through Translational Control of VEGFA mRNA. 2010. 70(11): p. 4749-4758

[2] NIH. Cancer Stat Facts: Common Cancer Sites. 2019 [cited 2020 2/14]; Available from:

[3] Balogh, E., Policy issues in the clinical development and use of immunotherapy for cancer treatment. National Cancer Policy Forum, Board on Health Care Services, Health and Medicine Division, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, ed. K. Maxfield, et al. 2016: Washington, DC : National Academies Press.

[4] Levine, A.J. and A.M. Puzio-Kuter, The Control of the Metabolic Switch in Cancers by Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes. 2010. 330(6009): p. 1340-1344

[5] Lodish H, B.A., Zipursky SL, Proto-Oncogenes and Tumor-Suppressor Genes. Molecular Cell Biology. Vol. 4th edition. 2000, New York: W. H. Freeman.

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