Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases are among the leading causes of death, disability, and poor quality of life in the United States today [1]. Chronic conditions can be debilitating and difficult to manage, and it is not surprising that many of those with a deep-seated prolonged illness have a greater risk of developing a life-threatening condition. But Envita Medical Centers is here to help. Envita Medical Centers offers patients fully personalized, targeted treatment plans in conjunction with customized medications to accurately diagnose and provide potential treatments options to help manage difficult chronic diseases.

Chronic Disease

For two decades, Envita has been combining the latest conventional treatment methods with the most effective research-based integrative medicine options to provide our patients with the highest quality of care possible. With cutting-edge technologies and therapies, Envita’s staff is well skilled in diagnosing and treating a range of infectious, autoimmune, and chronic diseases, including:

  • Cytomegalovirus
    CMV is a member of the herpes family and shares the common ability to remain alive, yet dormant, in the human body for the life of its human host [2]. Rarely does CMV become active unless the immune system is weakened and is rendered unable to hold the virus in check [2]. Trauma or spreading the immune system too thin with complex conditions such as Lyme disease could awaken CMV [2]. Read more…
  • Herpes Viruses
    Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) has been associated with a range of maladies including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) where patients typically suffer from immunologic abnormalities and neurologic problems [3]. Read more…
  • Chronic Systemic Inflammation
    Inflammation can become chronic if the cause of the inflammation persists, or because of deregulation in the control mechanisms responsible for shutting down the inflammation process. Read more…
  • Lyme Disease
    Lyme patients live a life of chronic pain, with various debilitating conditions that affect the mind and body [4]. Over the past two decades Envita has been helping patients overcome the misdiagnoses and misinformation associated with conventional and alternative medical treatment of Lyme disease. Read more…
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a common name that refers to persistent fatigue typically followed by numerous other symptoms which cannot be treated simply by rest [5]. Envita Medical Centers provides world-class treatment and immunotherapy for Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS). Read more…
  • Fibromyalgia
    Fibromyalgia has been linked with genes involved in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system[6]. These genes regulate response to trauma, injury, and other stressful events[6]. Read more…
  • Epstein-Barr
    Epstein-Barr (EBV), also known as HHV-4, is a common human herpes virus [7]. Typically, the disease is transmitted via saliva and takes 30-45 days to present with symptoms [7]. Read more…
  • Infectious Mononucleosis
    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), the pathogen that causes mononucleosis, has been shown by researchers to facilitate neurodegeneration in persons with multiple sclerosis [8]. At Envita, we provide top immunotherapies from all over the world that can help speed healing time and boost the immune systems in those with EBV. Read more…
  • Parasitic Infections
    Intraerythrocytic parasite Babesia microti causes Babesiosis, an infection that dwells inside red blood cells. Babesiosis is rarely tested for, and, as a result, many sufferers are misdiagnosed with an autoimmune or chronic disease with similar symptomology [9]. Read more…
  • and many others
    Each and every patient is regarded as an individual, never a number, and we take a comprehensive approach to treatment, so all patients have access to the very best of research-supported therapies. Read more…

Our mission at Envita is to provide answers and solutions for those struggling with chronic infection and disease. Often, patients suffer needlessly with painful and debilitating symptoms as a result of misdiagnoses or insufficient and otherwise inadequate treatment methods. Envita’s clinical experience, advanced technology, and precision diagnostics give us a decided edge when properly diagnosing and treating potential underlying causes for chronic diseases. We understand that living with a chronic disease and autoimmune condition can be extremely frustrating and debilitating. Many patients spend years, even decades, searching for doctors who will acknowledge their affliction and provide actionable solutions. Some patients may be faced with doubt and rejection of their undiagnosed conditions and others may be placed in an endless cycle of pain killers and symptom management. With 25 years of experience dealing with complex and resistance chronic infections, Envita is uniquely equipped to provide answers and solutions other clinics may not be able to.

Envita specializes in diagnosing and treating a range of infectious, autoimmune, and chronic diseases...

Envita has found that many patients arrive after struggling to receive effective and comprehensive treatment from their previous providers. Very often, those patients have been misdiagnosed with a wide variety of potential chronic illnesses. Envita’s precision testing and genetics-based diagnostics has found that many chronic diseases are the result of chronic infections like Lyme disease.

Lyme disease is a condition we consistently treat at our clinic because of its difficulty to identify and the lackluster approach to treatment by conventional medicine. Lyme disease can mimic the symptoms of over three-hundred different conditions and, if it is not caught soon after infection, Lyme can become resistant to treatment. Few physicians and treatment facilities are equipped to effectively address Lyme’s varied and complex etiologies.

Envita Medical Centers is dedicated to continual research and development and we have remained at the forefront of treatment with leading edge diagnostics and genetically customized medicines specifically designed for patients suffering from chronic disease. As a result, we often help patients who have been misdiagnosed find real and actionable targets for their condition. In years of researching and treating chronic infections Envita has been able to help thousands of patients and our experience has led to amazing breakthroughs in how we approach chronic illness.

Envita Medical Centers utilizizes leading-edge, precision diagnostics and genetically-targeted customized medicines specifically designed for patients suffering from chronic illnesses.

Envita has researched and published significant breakthroughs on the connection between infections and the development of cancer. Many patients we treat are unaware of cancers they may have developed due to chronic infections they are struggling with. Inversely, we also treat many cancer patients who are unaware of underlying infections that are contributing to their cancer. Our research has found significant correlations between viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungus in the development of specific cancers. Envita specializes in treating cancer and chronic disease giving us a unique vantage point for treating patients who suffer from both. We are distinctly positioned to provide a comprehensive treatment protocol that can help chronic infection patients address or even potentially avoid the development of cancer.

Infections and Associated Cancers

The body is a complex web of interactions that can make every patient unique in their disease. Viruses can introduce DNA into individual cells, altering the cellular signaling with viral proteins and promoting possible mutation and cancer growth [10]. Bacterial infections also can contribute to the development of cancer. Typically, through mechanisms associated with inflammation, bacteria can increase mutations and affect epigenetic genes involved in the body’s natural cancer defense and cell mutation [10]. At Envita we understand these connections better than anyone and provide a personalized response to account for the unique circumstances of each case.

Treating cancer and infection as unrelated can severely stunt progress, making treatment a long and arduous process with no clear end in sight. If a patient has one of these chronic infections, they may be at a higher risk of developing a correlating cancer. Additionally, if they are fighting against one of these cancers and the doctor has not addressed the possibility of infection, they may be missing a large contributing factor to the condition. Envita Medical Center has nearly two decades of clinical experience researching and treating infections that may potentially lead to a variety of cancers, including:

Viruses [10]

  • Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
    • Hodgkin Lymphoma
    • Burkitt Lymphoma, Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, Pyrothorax Lymphoma, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Gastric Carcinoma, and Leiomyosarcoma
  • Hepatitis B & C Virus (HBV &HCV)
    • Hepatocellular carcinoma.
  • Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6)
    • Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Hodgkin’s Disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and cervical carcinoma
  • Human Herpes Virus 8 (HHV-8)
    • Karposi’s Sarcoma and Primary Effusion Lymphoma
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
    • Cervical Cancer.
  • Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1)
    • Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma
  • Merkel Cell Polyomavirus (MCPyV)
    • Merkel Cell Carcinomas

Bacteria [10]

  • Epstein Borrelia burgdorferi
    • Primary Cutaneous, B-Cell Lymphoma
  • Chlamydia pneumoniae
    • Lung Cancer
  • Helicobacter pylori
    • Gastric Carcinoma
  • Mycoplasma
    • Gastric and Colon Carcinoma
  • Salmonella typhi 1
    • Cholangiocarcinoma
  • Streptococcus bovis
    • Colorectal Cancer

Parasites [10]

  • Clonorchis sinensis
    • Cholangiocarcinoma
  • Opisthorchis viverrini
    • Cholangiocarcinoma
  • Schistosoma haematobium
    • Bladder carcinoma

Fungi [10]

  • Asperigillus flavus and Asperigillus parasiticus-hepatocellular carcinoma

We are here to help patients take control of their health. Our treatments are not limited to standard methods such as antibiotics, but also include research-based natural therapies from all around the world. We incorporate an integrative approach that provides treatment from multiple angles and modalities. By addressing the many factors of infection and disease, we hope to provide more treatment options for our patients. Providing the type of care and compassion they deserve.

If you are suffering from a known or unknown chronic illness don’t hesitate to contact the Envita team at 866-830-4576. We have trained specialists standing by to help answer your questions and set you on the path to healing.


[1] CDC. About Chronic Diseases. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 2019 10/23/19 [cited 2020 1/6]; Available from:

[2] Griffiths, P.D. and R.J. Whitley, Chapter 7 - Cytomegalovirus, in Practical Guidelines in Antiviral Therapy, C.A.B. Boucher, et al., Editors. 2002, Elsevier: Amsterdam. p. 151-171

[3] Nicolson, G.L., R. Gan, and J. Haier, Multiple co-infections (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, human herpes virus-6) in blood of chronic fatigue syndrome patients: association with signs and symptoms. APMIS, 2003. 111(5): p. 557-566.

[4] Steere, A.C., J. Coburn, and L. Glickstein, The emergence of Lyme disease. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2004. 113(8): p. 1093-1101.

[5] Afari, N. and D.J.A.J.o.P. Buchwald, Chronic fatigue syndrome: a review. 2003. 160(2): p. 221-236.

[6] Adler, G.K. and R.J.R.D.C. Geenen, Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal and autonomic nervous system functioning in fibromyalgia. 2005. 31(1): p. 187-202.

[7] Cohen, J.I.J.N.E.J.o.M., Epstein–Barr virus infection. 2000. 343(7): p. 481-492.

[8] Fernández-Menéndez, S., et al., Epstein–Barr virus and multiple sclerosis. From evidence to therapeutic strategies. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2016. 361: p. 213-219.

[9] Arsuaga, M., et al., Misdiagnosis of Babesiosis as Malaria, Equatorial Guinea, 2014. 2018. 24(8): p. 1588.

[10] Smith, A.J., J. Oertle, and D. Prato, Cancer and Infectious Causes. Open Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2014. Vol.04No.03: p. 17.

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