Lyme Disease Treatment - Donna's Envita Review

A sudden loss of ability to move her arms, followed by other debilitating symptoms like multiple non-epileptic seizures, led Donna to question the state of her mental health, since conventional doctors could not diagnose the reason behind her symptoms. “It started making me feel like I was going crazy,” said Donna Richardson, who traveled from Missouri to Envita Medical Centers, a Center of Excellence in Lyme disease treatment, in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Undiagnosed for Years
Lyme disease is a tick-borne infection manifesting a wide variety of symptoms, which often makes its diagnosis even more challenging, especially for healthcare providers who are not experienced in dealing with this disease. Due to this lack of experience in diagnosing Lyme disease, conventional doctors may end up dismissing patients' symptoms as psychological, as in Donna's case. “They had it in my record that it was all in my head, nothing wrong with me, that all I wanted was... the drugs,” said Donna, who was desperately seeking the right treatment.
She remembers getting bit by ticks in her childhood but did not experience any major symptoms till she was exposed to mold, which is known to aggravate the symptoms of Lyme disease. Within a couple of months of her exposure to mold during the month of October, in 2016, she started experiencing severe symptoms of Lyme disease, such as brain fog, and inability to move her arms, which deteriorated further due to the lack of accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Need to Strike at the Disease Core
Donna's quality of life was severely impacted due to Lyme disease. She had to spend months in nursing homes for rehabilitation, relearning how to walk, talk, and take care of herself. However, with the core cause of her problem remaining untreated, she would repeatedly fall sick, and continued to experience numerous episodes of non-epileptic seizures.
At Envita, the experienced team of Lyme literate doctors, understand that this disease is complex. If left untreated, the Lyme-causing bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, penetrates through the blood-brain barrier impacting the patient's nervous system, like Donna's. Typically, Lyme disease is treated with a standard course of antibiotics, but oral antibiotics are unable to cross over the blood brain barrier, which explains why patients continue to experience severe neurological and psychological symptoms. To overcome these challenges, Envita's proprietary treatments, like IRAD (Insulin Receptor Antibiotic Delivery), have been designed.
Powerful Proprietary Treatments for Lyme
IRAD is Envita's proprietary treatment for shuttling antibiotics and other personalized medications across the blood brain barrier. Proprietary treatments like these combine the latest conventional medicine with advanced natural therapies to strike at the core of the disease and help flush out the infections from the patient's body, helping them to sustain lasting outcomes. “This has been an answer to prayer,” said an emotional Donna, who finally sees a ray of hope after struggling for years to get the right care.
Her Envita Connection
“I feel great! I know when I get home, I'm going to be able to do things with my children and my grandchildren. I'm going to be able to go traveling with my husband,” said Donna, as she looks forward to truly living her life with her loving family. She emphasizes that her family's unconditional love and support led them to research ideal treatment facilities for her. “They found out that there was a place, that was called Envita, 1,500 miles from where we lived, this was pretty much my last straw,” added Donna, while reiterating how grateful she is for bridging the thousands of miles to seek precision-targeted care for Lyme disease.
Call Us Today
If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of Lyme disease or any other chronic autoimmune conditions, please call us at 866-830-4576. May God bless you on your journey to recovery!