Stage 2 Prostate Cancer Treatment - Tommie's Envita Review

Despite being under medical supervision and treatment for his fluctuating PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels, Tommie was diagnosed with stage 2 prostate cancer. “Prostate [Cancer] is slow growing they say... but it can grow, and so go ahead, knock it out, and nip it in the bud,” said Tommie Crump, who traveled from North Carolina to Envita Medical Centers, a Center of Excellence for precision integrative oncology, located in Scottsdale Arizona.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Going Beyond the One-Size-Fits-All Protocols
After being monitored for almost two years by his doctors in North Carolina, when Tommie was diagnosed with prostate cancer, he did not want to rely on standard oncology treatments. He added that after researching standard cancer treatment protocols, he realized that he needed more personalized care, going beyond the standard NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) guidelines. Typically, these guidelines determine care based on a patient's cancer stage and type, but our team of physicians at Envita, custom-develop treatment protocols for each individual patient, by analyzing many more factors, such as their genomics and immune status.
This detailed and comprehensive approach helps in early identification and proactive treatment of disease, while also reducing the chances of side effects, typically associated with standard cancer treatment protocols. “I've lost clients due to cancer and [during or after treatment] they never looked healthy, or never looked somewhat the same before they got it,” said Tommie, who was concerned about the longevity as well as impact to quality of life with standard protocols.
Proprietary Treatments and Immunotherapies for Holistic Care
“What sold me was the custom care, that they are going to be looking at me as a person and my body as a person, and not just a number,” said Tommie. At Envita, our team of specially trained physicians combine the latest in conventional medicine with research-based natural therapies to not just strike at the disease core, but also strengthen the immune system for helping patients sustain lasting outcomes. “The integrative part of what they do and the non-traditional things that they do that the industry doesn't, all worked together for my good,” added Tommie, who benefited greatly from some of our proprietary treatments like GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy).
GTFC™ is our proprietary form of low dose chemotherapy, which is designed to enhance the mechanisms of action against cancerous cells, minimize impact to surrounding healthy cells, and rebuild the immune system for a long-term holistic recovery. It is based on detailed genetic testing which helps to determine the appropriate chemotherapy agent for each individual patient. With this information, our physicians are able to utilize a greater number of chemotherapy agents than standard treatment protocols, however, the metronomic dosage and precision deployment mechanism helps to enhance outcomes and reduce side effects.
Felt Valued by Physicians
Tommie explained how he appreciated the time spent by the doctors at Envita, as opposed to the standard care model where doctors always seemed to be in a rush. “But here they listen to how I felt... and also differentiated themselves from the industry in their approach,” said Tommie. He is happy with the results of Envita's advanced treatment approach and wishes for such favorable outcomes for all cancer patients. “I think you should come right away and get on top of it,” he added.
His Envita Connection
“I knew they got great results with people I knew personally,” said Tommie, who had heard about the successful recoveries of Envita's former patients, long before his own diagnosis. He was convinced about Envita's advanced approach to treatment and feels grateful about his decision to seek care here, as he prepares to go back home and slide back into his regular, healthy, everyday life.
Call Us Today
Envita's expert team comprises board certified and specially trained oncologists, interventional radiologists, researchers, and pharmacists. They work together to develop personalized treatment plans that enhance patients' quality of life, extend their lifespan, and minimize toxicity. If you have any questions about cancer, call us at 866-830-4576.