Stage 4 Metastatic Prostate Cancer Treatment - Lester's Envita Review

Apprehensions about the quality of life and longevity post conventional treatment had led Les, a metastatic prostate cancer patient, to seek other options for precision targeted care. “We had a couple of pretty tough days in just processing that information and the specter of receiving the treatment, because so many people have been destroyed by conventional medicine,” said Lester Miller, who traveled from Indiana to Envita Medical Centers, a Center of Excellence for Integrative Precision Oncology, located in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Disillusioned with Conventional Care
Les, and his wife, Lauretta were not convinced with the standard approach due to multiple reasons, including the recurrence of his disease despite a prostatectomy, and a relative's negative experience with conventional cancer treatment. “He had an aunt that was a month younger than him... and she had found out that she had cancer three years prior to his [diagnosis], and she passed away using conventional, and it was miserable. Her time was pretty miserable,” said Lauretta.
Search for Precision Targeted Combination Approach
The couple's experience with results in conventional care had made them weary of it, however, Lauretta emphasized the fact about conventional medicine having its place in cancer treatment. “I knew we needed a combination of the two... and that's what we have here,” said Lauretta, while explaining why they were convinced with the integrative precision oncology approach followed at Envita.
“I'm an engineer by education and background, so I drilled into the science, and it made sense to me,” added Les. Envita's personalized precision integrative oncology approach combines the latest conventional treatments with research-based natural therapies to precision target each patient's individual cancer, while strengthening their immune system to help them sustain lasting outcomes.
Proprietary Immunotherapies and Personalized Treatments
At Envita, the team of specially trained physicians understand the importance of the immune system in functioning as the first and last line of defense against cancer, which explains why varying levels of personalized immunotherapies are utilized for every patient here, including Les. He benefited greatly from Envita's proprietary immunotherapies and personalized treatments, one of which was GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy). GTFC™ is based on advanced genomic and immune status analysis to precisely target the cancerous cells and the root causes of each patient's disease, while concurrently bolstering their immune system.
This precision targeted approach is crucial for reducing the chances of severe side effects, typically associated with conventional cancer treatments, which explains why Les hardly ever experienced any side effects from his treatments. “Every step we took in the journey... I kept getting reinforced with the fact that this is the right way to go. It makes a lot of sense, and it's proved out, to me it's proved out,” reiterated Les.
His Envita Connection
When Les was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer, his PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level was 190 ng/ml, which was much higher than 6.5 ng/ml, typically considered normal for people his age. However, after completing care at Envita, Les' PSA level continues to be stable, being under 0.1 ng/ml. With such an optimistic response, the couple feel fortunate about finding Envita at the right time.
On the day of his first appointment with the standard of care oncologist, Les decided to search online for alternative options, and the couple felt motivated by the testimonials on Envita's website. “The science [behind the treatments] was great, but the people make me so enriched in my life, and they are so knowledgeable and so compassionate... universally across all levels,” said Les, feeling emotional about his response to treatments at Envita.
Call Us Today
Envita's specially trained team consists of oncologists, interventional radiologists, researchers, and pharmacists, who undergo over 1,500 hours of intensive training in the unique approach of personalized precision integrative oncology. They collaborate to develop customized treatment protocols for potentially improving the patient's quality of life, increasing longevity, and reducing toxicities. For any inquiries regarding cancer, feel free to reach out to us at 866-830-4576.