Stage 4 Metastatic Prostate Cancer Treatment - Garret's Envita Review

Consistently increasing PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels, followed by blood tests and imaging reports revealed Garret's stage 4 prostate cancer, and he and his wife were not convinced with the conventional treatment options offered to Garret. They traveled from Wyoming to Envita Medical Centers, an integrative Center of Excellence for Precision Oncology, located in Scottsdale, Arizona and his optimistic response to treatment justifies his decision. “From 2,500 down to 1.2, it is truly a miracle,” said Garret Moss, overjoyed about the fact that his PSA levels are well within the normal range, between 1.0 and 1.5 ng/ml, for men his age.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Need for Powerful Combination Therapies
Missing the early indications of prostate cancer, like increasing PSA levels, could delay diagnosis resulting in metastatic spread of the disease and in Garret's case, the prostate cancer had already spread to his bones by the time he was diagnosed. Treating the disease at the later stages can be challenging, which explains why Garret and his wife, Joey, felt disillusioned about the potential outcomes with conventional treatments, compelling them to seek homeopathic and natural alternatives. “We did it for three to four months and we weren't seeing any real promising results,” said Joey. In fact, Garret's PSA levels kept rising further, highlighting the need for combining precision targeted oncology care.
At Envita Medical Centers, we combine the latest in conventional medicine with research-based natural and integrative options to precisely target the unique set of root causative factors, responsible for triggering disease growth and proliferation in each individual patient. “It was nothing like we had ever come across before,” added Joey.
Proprietary Treatments for Precise Targeting
Cancer is a disease of genetic mutations and genetics vary from person to person, which underscores the need for going beyond the one-size-fits-all conventional treatment options. At Envita, we utilize proprietary treatments, like GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy), which benefited Garret. This low-dose chemotherapy protocol relies on an in-depth genomic analysis for pinpointing the chemo agents with the highest chances of response in each individual patient.
GTFC™ is a potential gamechanger in cancer treatment as it intensifies the mechanisms of action against the cancerous cells, without severely impacting the surrounding healthy cells. Minimal impact to healthy cells is crucial for the immune system and in order to further strengthen it, we utilize various levels of personalized immunotherapies and custom compounded adjuvants, which proved advantageous for Garret.
Innovative Immunotherapies
At Envita, we understand that the immune system is your first and last line of defense against cancer, which is why we are focused on reactivating it. We utilize adjuvants custom compounded by our pharmacy partners as well as other innovative immunotherapies to precision-target the disease from all possible angles while bolstering the patient's immune system. “They have a great approach and I just love that,” added Joey.
Problem-Solving Ecosystem
“She does not look at anything as a problem,” said Joey, while referring to their overseeing physician and her relentless efforts towards finding a way to tackle the problems. At Envita, our team of physicians meet regularly to discuss patient case studies, which instills a sense of confidence even in the patients as they know that their case is being investigated by more than one doctor. “I never sat around waiting for a doctor, waiting for a nurse... it is very organized,” reiterated Garret.
His Envita Connection
“We found Envita through the internet and my first phone call [to them] was amazing,” said Joey. The couple feels fortunate to have found Envita as Garret's response to treatment makes them optimistic about the future. “I tell so many people about this place,” added Joey as she wishes that everyone experiences positive outcomes, just like her husband.
Call Us Today
Envita's specially trained team consists of oncologists, interventional radiologists, researchers, and pharmacists, who undergo over 1,500 hours of intensive training in the unique approach of personalized precision oncology. They collaborate to develop tailored treatment strategies to potentially improve the patient's quality of life, increase longevity, and reduce toxicities. For any inquiries regarding cancer, feel free to reach out to us at 866-830-4576.