Stage 4 Breast Cancer Treatment - Stephanee's Envita Review

The fear of side effects from cancer treatment led Stephanee, a stage 4 breast cancer patient to look for alternative treatments. “I wanted to keep my breasts. I did not want radiation, and I did not want conventional chemotherapy,” said Stephanee Morris, who traveled from Michigan to Envita Medical Centers, a Center of Excellence for precision integrative oncology, located in Scottsdale, Arizona. As an oncology nurse, she had seen many patients suffer due to the side effects of standard cancer treatments, and this young mother was determined to avoid such drastic impacts.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Need to Avoid Traumatizing Experiences
“One of the biggest things that I saw as an oncology nurse was chemotherapy reactions, side effects, and secondary cancers, which is really traumatizing,” said Stephanee. To reduce the chances of such severe side effects, Stephanee sought precision integrative oncology treatment for treating her breast cancer, which had spread to the bones. The specially trained team of physicians at Envita practice this innovative approach to not just target the root causes of each patient's individual disease, but also strengthen their immune system for sustaining long-term outcomes. They combine the latest in conventional medicine with research based natural therapies to help patients experience the benefits of both worlds of medicine.
Personalized Proprietary Treatments and Immunotherapies
Unlike standard chemotherapy, which is typically based on disease type and stage, Envita's customized treatment protocols take into account multiple other factors, such as, each patient's genomics, proteomics, and immune status. “At Envita, they first genetically test you to see which chemotherapies you respond best to,” said Stephanee, while explaining how she benefited from some of Envita's proprietary treatments, like GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy) and CIPI™ (Chemo Immuno Precision Injections).
GTFC™ is delivered intravenously, while CIPI™ is a minimally invasive, interventional radiology procedure to deploy targeted chemotherapy and immunotherapy agents directly at the site of the tumor. Both these treatments are designed to enhance the mechanisms of action against the disease, while reactivating the patient's immune system.
Remarkable Recovery Route
In fact, GTFC™ utilizes more chemo agents than standard protocols, but the metronomic and targeted dosage reduces impact to the immune system, and CIPI™ also focuses on training the immune system into identifying and proactively treating cancer cells elsewhere in the body. Stephanee showed remarkable improvements with such precision targeted treatments, custom-developed to strike at the root cause of her disease, while bolstering her immune system concurrently. “2 months and 29 days later... it was like a brand-new body. There's so much Envita looks at that you would not get anywhere else,” added Stephanee, who was overjoyed after seeing the scans depicting her response to treatment.
Her Envita Connection
“I was looking at a lot of alternative clinics... I needed to make sure I was making the best decision for me and my family,” said Stephanee, while narrating how she was convinced by Envita's unique treatment approach, after hearing about it from her naturopathic doctor. With her remarkable response to treatment, this young mother feels contented about taking the right decision to help her progress towards the goal of a holistic recovery.
Call Us Today
Envita's specially trained team consists of oncologists, interventional radiologists, researchers, and pharmacists, who undergo over 1,500 hours of intensive training in the unique approach of personalized precision integrative oncology. They collaborate to develop tailored treatment strategies to potentially improve the patient's quality of life, increase longevity, and reduce toxicities. For any inquiries regarding cancer, feel free to reach out to us at 866-830-4576.