Dr. Daniel Warren of Envita Medical Centers Underlines the Importance of Holistic Lyme Treatment on the Heal Within Podcast

Experiencing symptoms of Lyme disease, despite going through the recommended course of antibiotic treatment for this tick-borne infection, is not uncommon. Explaining the reason behind such occurrences, Dr. Daniel Warren, N.M.D., Envita Medical Centers, said, “Lot of it has to do with the timing of the treatment.” Speaking to Jessica Vitale on her podcast, Dr. Warren said that the disease may be treatable with standard oral antibiotics, if it is diagnosed within the first three months of exposure.
Beyond this period, there is a risk of the Lyme causing bacteria breaching through the blood brain barrier to impact the central nervous system of the patient. Due to this breach, oral antibiotics remain ineffective because they cannot penetrate through the blood-brain barrier, underlining the need for a personalized treatment protocol to holistically treat the disease. Dr. Warren and his team at Envita Medical Centers have been utilizing innovative proprietary treatments to help many late-stage Lyme disease patients recover holistically. “You have to have strategies to get in there appropriately,” added Dr. Warren, while outlining one of their advanced treatments called IRAD (Insulin Receptor Antibiotic Delivery).
IRAD is a deeper delivery mechanism designed to shuttle antibiotics and other personalized medications across the blood brain barrier. “Lyme disease usually doesn't act alone, often times there are other root causes that jump on board and complicate the picture, making it more difficult to treat,” said Dr. Warren, explaining the need for going beyond standard antibiotics in Lyme treatment. He explained how these revolutionary treatments have been a gamechanger for many patients who had been suffering for decades, without even getting a proper diagnosis.
To know more about the challenges in diagnosing Lyme disease and how Envita Medical Centers overcomes such challenges in diagnosis as well as treatment, watch this podcast.