Dr. Dino Prato of Envita Medical Centers Debunks Anti-Sunscreen Myths on Healthline

An increasing curiosity about sunscreens, fueled by social media influencers propagating anti sunscreen myths, highlighted the need for debunking such dangerous myths. “The link between sun exposure and skin cancer is well-established through decades of epidemiological studies,” said Dr. Dino Prato, CEO and founder of Envita Medical Centers, in an article published by Healthline. He explained how the UV radiation from the sun may trigger mutations causing skin cancer, which in turn underscores the importance of sunscreens in preventing it.
Sharing his opinion in an article published by Business Times, Dr. Prato explained, “This DNA damage can cause changes in your genes called mutations that lead to skin cancer.” His team of physicians, who are specially trained in the personalized medicine approach, have been treating late-stage skin cancer patients for over two decades. Many of these patients were left with limited options in standard cancer treatment facilities.
Dr. Prato and his team specialize in the innovative field of personalized precision integrative oncology, which has proved successful in treating late-stage skin cancer patients. Missing the early symptoms of skin cancer can lead to its progression, causing the disease to spread to other organs and regions of the body, such as the chest and abdomen.
In their clinical experience of over two decades, the Envita team has been able to help numerous patients, many of whom were hardly left with any options in noted cancer treatment facilities of the country. This emerging field of personalized precision integrative oncology enhances the chances of responses as it focuses on targeting the unique set of causes responsible for triggering the growth and proliferation of disease in each individual patient. Deep diving into the root causative factors of each individual patient gives a better understanding of the disease, widening the scope of treatment options.
To know more about skin cancers and how sunscreens can be helpful in preventing it, read this article titled “Health Experts Debunk 4 Anti-Sunscreen Myths Spreading on Tiktok.”