Dr. Dino Prato's Contribution in Helping a Stage-4-Colon Cancer Patient Live Cancer Free Broadcasted by Fox10 News

Defying the odds of surviving an aggressive stage-4 colon cancer, diagnosed 22 years back, Sandy Yozipovic feels fortunate to live through her dreams today, extending her gratitude to Dr. Dino Prato's revolutionary integrative precision oncology treatments. “We do whatever is needed to help people live,” said Dr. Dino Prato, CEO and Founder, Envita Medical Centers. Speaking to Fox 10's Anita Roman, in their latest edition of Community Cares, Dr. Prato explained how the Envita team utilizes personalized precision oncology to go beyond the scope of standard cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.
“The outcome was the goal,” said Dr. Prato, describing Envita's unique treatment approach of precision targeting the root causative factors of each patient's cancer, while bolstering their immune system concurrently to help them sustain lasting results. With this vision, Dr. Prato had started Envita Medical Centers, which was in its early stages when Sandy had first walked in through its doors. The Envita team integrates the latest in conventional cancer treatments along with research-based advanced natural therapies to comprehensively treat cancer, while reactivating the patient's immune system, which often gets overlooked in standard oncology care.
Shattered with the grim prognosis handed out to her by standard oncology, despite the surgical removal of her colon cancer, Sandy and her husband had decided to continue with Dr. Prato's care because the principles behind Envita's unique treatment approach appealed to the couple. The Envita team has grown significantly since Sandy's first consultation, and its 240 plus employees are continually striving to help patients benefit from the latest in cancer research and precision oncology treatments. Their customized treatment protocols include proprietary minimally invasive treatments, immunotherapies, and adjuvant therapies, which are custom compounded for each individual patient by their pharmacy partner.
“We are using the latest in genomics, transcriptomics, immunotherapies, the best laboratories in the world, and then we are custom designing the care for the patient,” said Dr. Prato, highlighting how the Envita team precisely targets the unique set of causes responsible for triggering the growth and spread of cancer in each individual patient. Their approach has not only helped one young mother overcome her fear of losing the battle to cancer and live a happy and contented life, but with their drive and passion for excellence in precision oncology, the Envita team continues to see numerous such successful recoveries.
To learn more about Envita Medical Centers and how their unique personalized precision oncology approach can help save many lives, like Sandy's, watch here.