Ann's Story

Ann's personal struggle with Lyme disease began in 2004 when she began to develop unexplained neurological symptoms. Ann was an ultra-distance cyclist and had just finished a 750 mile race in France when she noticed a lot of unexplained symptoms. Ann's ADHD was progressively getting worse, not to mention she was also beginning to experience facial spasms, blurred vision, insomnia and the inability to articulate words; her endurance was also suffering. Ann's body is normally acclimated to training 60 plus hours per week, but by 2006, she found herself only able to train 30 minutes per day.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
After visiting several doctors and going through different testing procedures, Ann was still left without answers and soon became resigned to the fact that it was just a part of the aging process. That is until a personal friend suggested that Ann call Envita. Upon speaking to the patient care coordinators, she then met with the doctors and was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease. Not only were Envita doctors able to diagnose Ann, but she says they truly understood the impact that Lyme disease has had on her life and were able to educate her going forward. Envita even designed a special treatment plan just for Ann and gave her the tools to help keep her well in the future.
2011 was the most stressful year of Ann's life but because of the initial treatments she had received at Envita, Ann was able to remain healthy, without relapse. Ann says: “I now feel better than I have in years! I can now hike the Aspen Mountain trail three times a week, ski race, mountain bike, and train for future competitions!