Lyme Disease Treatment - Katie's Envita Review

Katie's symptoms began when she was a child, she was constantly tired and did not have the energy to play as a child normally does. Katie suffered with nervousness, anxiety, and even depression as a kid, her mental symptoms increased as she went into her teenage years. She would suffer from anxiety attacks that would send her into bronchial spasms that landed her in the hospital several times.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Katie's symptoms continued into adulthood and compounded severely when she had her third baby. Her lack of energy was preventing her from playing with her kids, she even began developing pain in her legs that lasted for years. By the summer of 2014 Katie visited a therapist for her mental issues which finally led to a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. She began taking Gabapentin to relieve some of her pain but the side effects from the medication made it hard for her body to digest food and left her feeling not like herself. She also began taking Cymbalta to her with the pain in her central nervous system.
Feeling like the medical system was failing her Katie began to do her own research into the cause of her symptoms. Katie soon learned that there was another mom at the school her kids were attending who was diagnosed with Lyme disease and was getting ready to head to Envita for treatment. Two to three weeks into treatment her friend messaged Katie and told her “you have to get out here and get tested.”
In November of 2015 Katie spoke with Dr. Oertle in a conference call discussing her test results and devised a plan on how to treat Katie's condition. Katie's treatment lasted for nine weeks, she no longer has to take a nap every day; she doesn't have any pain and is off of all of her medications. Katie is finally feeling normal again and is happy to have her quality of life back for her and for her kids.