Lyme Disease Treatment – Kirsten's Envita Review

Often, those suffering from chronic Lyme disease complex can go years undiagnosed or even misdiagnosed. Kirsten spent three years of her life struggling with her condition while her previous treatments, in her words, “kept hitting roadblock after roadblock.” She was dealing with undiagnosed Lyme disease. Kirsten's previous doctors were unable to recognize the complex variety of symptoms chronic Lyme disease can cause, leading to years of misdiagnosis and ineffective treatments. Then she found Envita Medical Centers.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Envita helped Kirsten conclusively identify and treat her unique condition. For Kirsten, Envita was not only the place that gave her condition the expertise and attention it required but also the respect and compassion she deserved. In Kirsten's words, she thinks that coming to Envita was the “best thing I have ever done.”
It was 2016 when Kirsten first started to feel sick, but her doctors could not figure out why. Eventually, she ended up in the emergency room because of respiratory symptoms. The doctors diagnosed her with hypersensitivity pneumonitis; Kirsten's lung inflammation was connected to the mold found in her house.
This was a relief for Kirsten at the time, but it was only a piece of the puzzle. She continued to struggle with her condition and felt increasingly marginalized by her doctors. Her short, fifteen-minute meetings would leave Kirsten frustrated, feeling like she was “just another number.” One day she looked at her eleven-year-old daughter and decided, “I don't want to feel like this anymore,” and that is when she first found out about Envita.
For nearly 25 years, Envita has specialized in chronic infectious diseases, leading the way in the treatment of chronic Lyme disease complex and its many contributing factors, including mold exposure. Kirsten realized that Envita could be the perfect place to treat her mold exposure and provide a more accurate diagnosis.
She contacted a Patient Care Coordinator, and in her words, “I had hope for the very first time.” A week later, Kirsten had packed up her car with her eleven-year-old daughter to drive two days for her first consultation.
Kirsten sat down with Dr. Sears and asked him, “what if we don't find anything?” Dr. Sears looked her in the eyes and said, “as long as you're here with me, we're going to find out what's going on with you.” For the first time in her medical journey, Kirsten felt like she had found someone who “is as invested in me as I am invested in myself.”Through Envita's unique testing, Kirsten was conclusively diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease complex. Kirsten, like many patients with Lyme disease, had several undiagnosed infections. By helping Kirsten treat her Lyme disease and her contributing infections like mold, Envita was able to provide lasting progress for her.
Now Kirsten is grateful for her experience and feels that the compassion and attention she received from her doctors, nurses, and staff members was just as important in her healing journey as her treatment. “I feel like I got that constant, wonderful, compassionate attention throughout the entire experience.”
Kirsten urges anyone thinking about coming to Envita to “just do it, and you won't regret it.” If you or a loved one is struggling with Lyme disease or chronic infections, please don't hesitate to reach out. We have a team of highly trained professionals who can help answer your questions and set you on the path to healing. Contact our Patient Care Coordinator team at 866-830-4576 and let us help you find the answers you are looking for.