Lyme Disease Treatment - Lindsay's Envita Review

A sudden bout of flu-like symptoms followed by stroke-like symptoms had devastated Lindsay's life, as this young mother had lost her ability to even walk. “I had lingering symptoms of pain, fatigue, and cognitive problems,” said Lindsay Pyers, who traveled from Ohio to Envita Medical Centers, a center of excellence for Lyme disease treatment, in Scottsdale, Arizona. She had to wait for one-and-a-half years to even receive a diagnosis of Lyme, a tick-borne infection, which manifests a wide variety of symptoms, making its diagnosis and treatment challenging for healthcare providers, who are not Lyme literate.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Frustrated with Persistent Symptoms
Frustrated with the lack of proper diagnosis in the standard healthcare system, Lindsay had turned to functional medicine where she finally received a diagnosis. “They tested me for some coinfections of Lyme disease, and I had a ton of coinfections and then I finally got my positive Lyme disease test,” said Lindsay. Lyme disease can be difficult to diagnose because standard tests depend on the immune system response for accurate diagnosis, but if the affected patient's immune system is compromised then the tests may indicate false negative results. With prolonged exposure to infection, there is a high chance of impact on the patient's immune system.
Even after diagnosis and treatment by her functional medicine providers, Lindsay did not experience a holistic recovery. “I couldn't be a mom, I couldn't be a wife,” said Lindsay, as her debilitating symptoms prolonged for over four years. Lyme disease is often accompanied by other infections and co-infections, such as Bartonella and Babesia, which need precision treatments to help patients experience a holistic recovery from their symptoms.
Proprietary Treatments for Precision Targeting of Infections
At Envita, our specially trained team of Lyme literate doctors integrate the latest developments in conventional medicine with research-based natural therapies to precisely target the unique combination of infectious load in each individual patient. “Prior to starting treatment, I had pain in my jaw, in my shoulders, in my legs, every single day, and I am talking like 8 or 9, 10 levels of pain. My jaw pain went away, my shoulder pain went away, and then after that fifth IRAD (Insulin Receptor Antibiotic Delivery), my leg pain had gone away,” said Lindsay, emphasizing how she benefited from Envita's proprietary treatments.
IRAD is our deeper delivery mechanism for shuttling antibiotics and other precision-targeted agents across the blood brain barrier, to attack the Lyme disease bacteria which impacts the central nervous system. It is designed to overcome the limitations of oral antibiotics, which are typically prescribed for Lyme disease treatments, but they are no longer effective when the Lyme disease bacteria has penetrated through the blood-brain barrier leading to neurological and psychological symptoms of Lyme. Depending on each patient's unique set of infections, our doctors determine the combination of treatments and the number of times they need to undergo these proprietary treatments. “My brain no longer feels fuzzy all the time. I can think clearly,” added Lindsay.
Perceptive and Knowledgeable Physicians
“After five years of having chronic pain and not having pain anymore, is a big deal for someone,” said Lindsay, who is happy about her response to treatments at Envita. She was impressed with the perceptive and knowledgeable doctors at Envita, who custom-developed a unique medical blueprint to precisely target her infectious load. “I had his attention the whole time we were talking... he listened the whole time, and for Lyme patients that's abnormal. You can't get people to listen to you, let alone a doctor to listen to you, so that was huge,” said Lindsay, while reiterating how her experience here was unlike anything she had ever experienced at any other healthcare facility.
Her Envita Connection
“Envita has given me my ability to be a wife back, they have given me the ability to be a mom to my three kids back. They are saving lives,” said Lindsay, who found out about us while researching for the top Lyme treatment centers in the United States. Reading through our website and learning about the recovery journeys of other patients like her, Lindsay felt drawn to Envita and today she feels reassured about her decision to get treated here, as she looks forward to going back to her normal life with her loving family!
Call Us Today
If you or someone you care about is affected with Lyme Disease or chronic and persistent symptoms of Lyme and other autoimmune conditions, please feel free to reach out to us at 866-830-4576. We are here to help you on your journey to recovery!