Lyme Disease Treatment - TJ's Envita Review

Tired of going from one specialist to another to resolve his physical as well as psychological impairments, TJ finally resorted to doing his own research for treatment of his Lyme disease. “It was important to me that I found out what was going on and how it related to the science of treating the disease,” said TJ Coder, who traveled from Pennsylvania to Envita Medical Centers, a center of excellence for Lyme disease treatment, in Scottsdale, Arizona. This endurance sports enthusiast with a professional background in engineering was finding it difficult to solve basic math problems, read beyond two sentences, and could not exercise due to the debilitating aches and pains.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Helplessly Sought Direction from Specialists
“I had to all together quit reading, I could not read much more than a couple sentences,” said TJ, describing how his condition deteriorated over the years. It came to a point when he could not stand up to get out of his car at work and the ambulance had to be called to help him. This incident led to the beginning of his years long journey of helplessly seeking direction from one specialist to another. “Unfortunately, the specialists were of zero help. Frankly, it didn't seem like they had the time to even talk to me, sometimes they have 15 mins to barely look at your test results and say there's nothing wrong with you,” said TJ, who was not getting any help, despite consulting a psychologist, neurologist, cardiologist, and rheumatologist.
Need to Go Beyond Standard Treatments
Conventional doctors, who are not Lyme literate, often lack the clinical experience to diagnose Lyme disease, further exacerbating problems for patients. Finally, TJ and his wife did their own research and concluded that he needed help from a Lyme literate doctor. However, the standard antibiotic treatment recommended for TJ, did not seem to be effective. “I just could not get better,” said TJ.
Typically, oral antibiotics are standard recommendations for treatment of Lyme disease, but these antibiotics can become ineffective if the Lyme causing bacteria has penetrated through the blood brain barrier to impact the patient's central nervous system. In TJ's case, the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme disease had passed through the blood brain barrier, which is why he was experiencing neurological and psychological symptoms, like brain fog and difficulty in reading and comprehension.
Proprietary Treatments to Effectively Target the Disease
At Envita, we utilize several proprietary treatments, like IRAD (Insulin Receptor Antibiotic Delivery), to shuttle antibiotics and personalized medications across the blood brain barrier. This intravenous mode of deployment is especially helpful for patients, like TJ, who start experiencing the neurological and psychological symptoms of Lyme disease. “The IRAD treatment itself was hugely beneficial,” said TJ, who was excited about being able to read through a local newspaper within a week and a half of initiating treatment. “I haven't really read anything for years at this point... but within a week and half... I had actually read through the whole paper, which is pretty big deal for me,” added TJ.
IRAD not only utilizes antibiotics, but it also includes personalized medications, which are custom compounded at our in-house pharmacy. These custom compounded adjuvants are crucial for effectively targeting not just the Lyme disease bacteria, but the associated infections and co-infections as well. The Lyme disease bacteria is often accompanied by other pathogens, which in turn may trigger varied co-infections in different people. To target these unique sets of infections and their varying infectious load in each individual Lyme disease patient, we customize a unique treatment protocol for every patient. These customized treatments increase the chances of a holistic recovery, as we aim to precisely strike at each of the infections, while reactivating the patient's immune system.
His Envita Connection
“It was just a different conversation than what I had with the other clinics,” said TJ, who had started searching for the “Best Lyme Clinic in the world,” when his local Lyme literate doctor had told him to seek help from a specialty clinic. He was impressed with his first call to Envita, because he liked the transparency and the detailed scientific explanation behind Envita's unique treatment approach. “That was pretty amazing,” added TJ, excited about the pace at which he recovered and is now eager to literally live his life!
Call Us Today
If you or a loved one is affected with Lyme Disease or suspects they might have Lyme and other chronic or autoimmune diseases, please feel free to call us at: 866-830-4576, and let us help you in your journey to recovery.