Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer Treatment - Andrea's Envita Review

When Andrea's Stage 2 breast cancer progressed to Stage 4 within months of going through conventional cancer treatments, she wanted to seek care that goes beyond the scope of standard treatments. “I think the biggest problem is that people don't know that there are other options out there and then I came here and found out about all the possibilities... it was mind blowing,” said Andrea, who traveled from Canada to Envita Medical Centers, an integrative center of excellence for precision oncology, located in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Shocked at Cancer Recurrence
This young mother had just welcomed her second baby when she was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. She wanted to do everything possible to not just treat the disease but also prevent chances of recurrence. However, when the disease recurred with metastatic spread to her bones, Andrea was shattered.
“I did what the oncologist that was assigned to me told me to do, which was surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and then all the medications that I was supposed to be taking after all these treatments. I did everything, plus I started to work out every day, just everything that you think you should do so there is not a recurrence,” added Andrea. Unfortunately, within a few months of completing treatments, Andrea started experiencing symptoms like body pain and headaches, which is when an MRI revealed her breast cancer's metastatic spread to the bones.
Precision Tests to Target Disease Core
To help patients respond to care even when the cancer has metastasized to distant parts of the body, Envita's precision tests and algorithms take into account each patient's detailed bioinformatics data. Through in-depth genomic analysis and other proprietary tests, our physicians aim to gain a deeper insight into the unique set of causes responsible for driving disease growth and proliferation in each individual patient, like Andrea.
Personalizing a treatment protocol to target the disease core while strengthening patients' immune system gives them an optimal chance of recovery. This unique precision oncology approach is also designed to identify and proactively treat early signs of micro metastasis, which is what patients like Andrea seek.
Envita's proprietary Ultra Analytes Liquid Biopsy investigates the Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs), which break away from a growing tumor to enter a patient's bloodstream, spreading the disease to other parts of the body. Detailed examination of the CTCs allows us to proactively treat the cancer in its trajectory, without having to wait for the patient to experience symptoms of further metastatic spread.
Next level Immunotherapy and Proprietary Treatments
Our personalized immunotherapies are designed to take cancer treatment to the next level to help patients like Andrea respond to care. She also benefited from our other proprietary treatments like GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy), which relies on our proprietary genomic analysis to reveal the chemo agents with the highest chance of cancer kill for each individual patient.
Utilizing metronomic dosage of a greater number of chemo agents as opposed to maximum therapeutic dose untargeted chemotherapy can be a gamechanger in cancer treatment, because it enhances the mechanisms of action against the cancerous cells while reducing impact to the surrounding healthy cells. Maintaining a robust immune system is crucial because it is the first and last line of defense against cancer, which is why we always include advanced personalized immunotherapies in every patient's treatment protocols.
Her Envita Connection
“Once I noticed that everything that we were doing was working - tests, lab results saying that my cancer markers were dropping... that gave me a boost of confidence,” said Andrea. She feels fortunate that her husband found Envita while researching cancer treatment options for her. Having experienced the benefits of our advanced precision oncology treatment options, this young mother now looks forward to going back home to live a happy life with her family!
Call Us Today
Envita's specially trained team comprises oncologists, interventional radiologists, researchers, and pharmacists, who undergo over 1,500 hours of intensive training in the unique approach of personalized precision oncology. Collaboratively, they create tailored treatment strategies to potentially improve the patient's quality of life, increase longevity, and reduce toxicities. For any inquiries regarding cancer, feel free to reach out to us at 866-830-4576.