Stage 4 Prostate Cancer Survivor – Dennis's Envita Review

When Dennis was diagnosed with stage four prostate cancer, he began hunting the world for the most comprehensive genetically targeted cancer therapies available. After all his experience, Dennis believes that Envita Medical Centers in Scottsdale, Arizona, offers some of the most advanced late-stage cancer care in the world. Envita's personalized, genetically targeted cancer treatment protocols provided Dennis with amazing results in his fight against stage four prostate cancer.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
For Dennis, it started with back pain. Before he knew it, Dennis was in a wheelchair, and doctors were diagnosing him with stage four prostate cancer. As with many other patients that arrive at Envita, Dennis's previous standard of care treatments included aggressive chemotherapy, with little confidence in full remission. In fact, his doctors gave him six months to a year to live, and to say the least, it was a shock. Dennis decided to look for alternative options, and that is when he found Envita Medical Centers.
Envita Medical Centers is an integrative center of excellence driven to delivering personalized, genetically targeted oncology and chronic disease treatments. With decades of experience utilizing advanced precision technologies and therapies, Envita's IV-based, comprehensive late stage or refractory to care cancer modalities are design for each individual patient. This level of personalization was the core requirement Dennis needed in a cancer treatment clinic, convincing him that Envita Medical Centers was “where we have to go.”
After contacting Envita, Dennis received a response the same day, and he was blown away by the compassion and attention each member of Envita's patient care team provides. Dennis quickly realized that it was more than just the leading-edge technology, advanced next-level genomic diagnostics, and precision-targeted cancer treatments that made Envita one of the leading cancer treatment facilities in the nation. Envita and its staff also provide the radical loving care that every cancer patient needs and deserves.
At his initial consultation, Dennis and his wife were extremely impressed with his physician, Dr. Poteet. He was knowledgeable and personable, taking every opportunity to help them understand how Envita was going to personalize Dennis' protocols with genetically targeted medications and customizable therapies for his unique prostate cancer presentation. Dennis said he appreciated that Dr. Poteet “could answer every question I could come up with,” and that he took the time to clearly explain Envita's approach to late-stage oncology care, in a way that was easy for Dennis and his wife to understand.
Envita's highly experienced team of physician then designed a customized treatment protocol specifically for Dennis. Before long, Dennis saw his rising PSA levels stabilize and then fall, that is when he knew that he made the right choice. “I knew we were on the right track when they began to reverse things, and I had not even received the main treatment yet.” Now Dennis has completed his treatment at Envita Medical Centers, and he and his wife are “encouraged and grateful” they found the right place for his stage four prostate cancer treatment. Dennis is amazed at the difference Envita was able to make. He urges anyone with cancer to give Envita a call and “go there first.”
For the past twenty years, Envita has been helping resistant to care stage four prostate cancer patients make incredible progress against their condition, out-preforming other world-renown cancer treatment centers. Envita has been able to provide personalized treatment protocols that made a difference for thousands of patients by combining genetically targeted therapies with natural-based adjunctive care. This customized genetically targeted approach made the difference for Dennis, and it could make the difference in your prostate cancer care as well. Please contact our Patient Care Coordinator team at 866-830-4576 and see how Envita can help you.