Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Focus on Personalization to Improve Outcomes for Every Patient

Not a single family should have to lose a mother, daughter, sister, wife, or any other loved one to breast cancer, which continues to be the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in American women. In fact, the latest edition of American Cancer Society's Breast Cancer Statistics, 2022, highlights the unwavering racial disparity in breast cancer mortality, which could be due to the lack of personalization in standard oncology. At Envita Medical Centers, a world-class integrative center for precision oncology, we personalize a treatment plan for each individual breast cancer patient based on their unique genomics, which includes many more factors than racial and ethnic differences.
Lanie's Story
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Personalization for Better Treatment
“Cancer is a disease of genetic mutations, which highlights the need for personalization to design effective targeted treatments for each individual breast cancer patient. To treat the varying set of causes which trigger different mutations in each patient, Envita offers a much more advanced and precision-targeted breast cancer program, leading with personalization and patient-directed immunotherapies, while avoiding invasive surgeries,” said Dr Dino Prato, CEO and Founder of Envita Medical Centers. In their clinical experience of over 25 years, the oncology team at Envita has successfully treated hundreds of breast cancer patients who were left with limited treatment options at other standard cancer centers across the country. “In our clinical opinion, this is where oncology will be in the next decade, but we are already there,” added Dr Prato.

The Envita Advantage
These specialty hospitals are bound by the NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) guidelines, which determine care based on type and stage of breast cancer, but Envita Medical Centers breaks away from the NCCN guidelines to highly personalize care and potentially improve patient outcomes. Envita's integrative approach of combining the latest conventional and research-based natural medicines, gives them the liberty to go beyond the NCCN guidelines, which typically does not focus on access to genomic analysis as a first line treatment for breast cancer.
Genomic Analysis Crucial for Personalization
“A detailed genomic analysis is crucial for developing personalized treatment plans for each patient,” said Brian Harrison, President of Envita Medical Centers. He added that Envita has partnered with world-class diagnostic agencies to develop proprietary genetic tests which analyze many more factors than those examined in standard oncology genetic testing. With more information about the unique set of factors influencing the growth and proliferation of breast cancer in each patient, the expert team at Envita is better equipped to strike out the disease and help patients recover holistically.
Patrizia's Story
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
A latest medical study also provides additional support for universal germline genetic testing, as its findings suggest that restrictive criteria for this testing deny data-informed clinical management to patients with breast cancer. Lack of adequate data on the unique set of factors contributing to each patient's breast cancer, could be one of the potential reasons why nearly 30% of women initially diagnosed with early-stage disease will ultimately develop metastatic lesions, often months or years later.
Proactive Treatment for Metastatic Breast Cancers
Any type of breast cancer, such as, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC), Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC) Hormone Receptor Status or HER 2 Status sensitive breast cancers, or even Male Breast Cancers, may spread to various parts of the body causing stage 4 or Metastatic Breast Cancer. Despite diagnosis and treatment in stage 1, 2, or 3, every type of breast cancer comes with a risk of recurrence in the breasts or surrounding lymph nodes, or metastasis to a distant part of the body, such as, liver, lungs, brain, and bones. However, Envita's in-depth proprietary testing is designed to identify early signs of micro metastases, which in turn enables their expert team to proactively treat the disease before it shows signs of further spread.

Proprietary New Treatments Going Beyond Invasive Surgeries
To reduce chances of breast cancer metastasis or recurrence, Envita has developed proprietary new treatments, including innovative immunotherapies, advanced cryoablations, personalized drug design, GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy), and CIPI™ (Chemo Immuno Precision Injections). These new treatments are designed to avoid breast removal surgeries, like mastectomies or other invasive surgeries, which may not always be successful in containing the disease. Breast cancer potentially spreads as the micro-metastatic breast cancer cells break away from a growing tumor, as small as 2mm in diameter, generally seen in stage 2 or stage 1 of the disease. These broken parts of a growing tumor enter the patient's blood stream and may remain dormant for a prolonged period, before spreading the breast cancer to other parts of the body.

Invasive surgeries may also impact patient immunity, which is why Envita has developed various minimally invasive procedures to precision-target the breast tumors without scarring adjoining tissues. They utilize advanced technologies to freeze breast tumors, while maintaining their antigen integrities for reducing chances of potential metastases in the future. Envita's minimally invasive procedures, combined with their other proprietary treatments have proved beneficial in checking metastasis in early-stage patients, as well as improving outcomes for metastatic breast cancer patients, even those with aggressive cancers, like Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) or Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC).
Advanced Immunotherapies
At Envita, various innovative immunotherapies are included in the treatment plan for every breast cancer patient, irrespective of their type or stage. The immune system is the body's first and last line of defense against cancer, which is why bolstering it could play a crucial role in reducing chances of recurrence or metastasis and sustaining long-term remissions.
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Envita Center of Excellence for Precision Oncology has over 25 years of experience treating complex and refractory to treatment cancer diagnoses. Most patients come to Envita after standardized oncology options have failed to yield lasting results. Since we follow the N-of-1 clinical trial approach, we treat each patient as a single unit clinical trial offering them the best of our diagnostics and technologies to improve outcomes. For any of your breast cancer related queries, please feel free to call us at 866-830-4576.