Envita Patient Explains Her Need to Go Beyond Standard of Care on 'From Darkness to Love and Light' Podcast

Just two days after losing her son to aggressive prostate cancer, Tammy's mother was faced with the shocking diagnosis of her daughter's stage 4 breast cancer. “I looked at my brother's situation and I knew that everything that could be given to him, was given to him, and it simply wasn't enough because his body couldn't keep up with it. The chemotherapy was so strong that it killed him, and so I needed something else,” said Tammy Morrow, whose breast cancer had spread to the lymph nodes, liver, and bone.
Speaking to Lynda on her podcast, “From Darkness to Love and Light,” Tammy described how she had learned a lesson from her brother's journey through cancer treatment, which led her to search for precision targeted integrative oncology options. “I chose Envita because it was integrated in a way the others weren't. I knew I needed chemotherapy. I knew I couldn't just have hyperbaric chambers and survive,” said Tammy, recognizing the potential of Envita's advanced precision integrative oncology approach. At Envita, our team of specially trained physicians combine the latest in conventional medicine with research-based natural therapies to custom develop treatment protocols for each individual patient.
These customized protocols are based on a detailed analysis of numerous factors, including genomics, proteomics, and immune status, which is crucial for precisely targeting the cancerous cells, while reactivating the patient's immune system for lasting outcomes. Due to this innovative approach, Tammy experienced outstanding results with our proprietary treatments like GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy) and CIPI™ (Chemo Immuno Precision Injections). GTFC™ is our targeted, low-dose chemotherapy, and CIPI™ is our minimally invasive interventional radiology procedure, designed to deploy personalized combinations of targeted medications at the site of the tumor, while reactivating the patient's immune system.
To know more about our advanced treatment approach, and how it is designed to go beyond the standard of care options to help patients like Tammy experience such remarkable outcomes, watch this podcast.