Hodgkin's Lymphoma Survivor - Wendy's Envita Review

Wendy began her struggle with cancer as many people do, with vague flu-like symptoms which persisted long enough to finally warrant a trip to the doctor. At first the doctor took a “watch and see” attitude with regard to Wendy's case, but then in July of 2018, a palpable tumor appeared in her neck. Brad, Wendy's husband, was immediately supportive as a gamut of tests were run to rule out infection and confirm a diagnosis of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Wendy and Brad both had strong faith that God would support them through this trying time, but they also spent the next three weeks trying to learn as much as they could about Wendy's condition.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
They both soon discovered, however, that Wendy's choices were actually more limited than they initially appeared, despite the doctor's insistence that they make a decision regarding her therapy. At each clinic they reached out to, the same five chemotherapy drugs would be given to Wendy to attempt to treat her. Neither Wendy nor Brad had known anything about Hodgkin's Lymphoma before now, and they wondered if they were making the right decision. They decided early on that they wanted a whole-body approach to treatment and not to simply mask the symptoms of the disease. While they were searching, they stumbled across Envita and came in to speak with Dr. Oertle. By chance, during their visit, they stumbled across Dr. Dino Prato, founder of Envita, who spoke with them about faith. Then, as Wendy and Brad were getting into their truck, still unsure where the future might take them, Dr. Prato again appeared in the parking lot and asked Wendy, “Can I pray for you?” She said “Yes,” and the doctor proceeded to say almost word for word, the same prayer she had been saying for herself for the past three weeks since her diagnosis. Meeting Dr. Prato left an impression on both Wendy and Brad. It was then that they knew in their hearts, Envita was the right place to come.
Coming to Envita, Brad enjoyed how Dr. Oertle explained medicine in a way that he could understand, and Wendy found that the staff at the clinic treated her like family. At Envita, whole body treatment was offered, just like the couple had wanted, but they also looked into the underlying causes of cancer and offered ways to address the causes to help keep the cancer from coming back later. The treatment lasted for 12 weeks, and ten of those, Wendy felt well enough to go outside and play Pickleball with her friends, an incredible result if you know how sick people tend to become while receiving traditional cancer treatment. At the end, Wendy claims it was “the people” here at Envita who made the difference in her experience.
Wendy followed up her treatment at Envita with a second PET scan. From the first, where “innumerable” masses were identified in Wendy's lymph nodes, tonsils and bone marrow, the new PET scan confirmed that Wendy was now in remission! Wendy felt that her original prayer had been answered. Wendy and Brad are more than happy to be able to get on with their normal lives. “I wish everyone had the opportunity to meet the doctors and the staff and experienced what we did here.” Says Brad, at the end before he went home with his beautiful, healthy wife.