Laura's Story

Laura's son was seven years old when he began developing severe stomach pains, body pain, depression and wild mood swings. His school teachers all told her that he was having severe difficulty doing his work while in the classroom. Being a very concerned mother, Laura immediately began looking for help from her usual doctors. Unfortunately for her son, there were no answers in sight.
Both teachers and doctors wanted to label her son as having ADD and ADHD and pushed her to put him on numerous medications. Laura was not interested in simply medicating her son, but she wanted to find answers and truly treat the actual issues behind the symptoms. When Laura was introduced to Envita Medical Centers, her son went through a series of diagnostic testing in order to help determine the root cause of his perplexing symptoms. Envita then put together a treatment plan including important dietary changes, pharmaceutical-grade supplements and homeopathy. Laura's son is a very different child today because of the education and individualized treatment plan he received at Envita! Listen to Laura's story below.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.