Lyme Disease Survivor - Pablo's Envita Review

Pablo had been tremendously ill for the past six years, spending a major part of his time in hospitals where doctors could not diagnose his Lyme disease. “I got tested three times, but the testing is so mediocre that it never showed up. They really did not know what was going on with me and called me undiagnosed,” said Pablo Gándara- Pizá, a resident of San Diego, California, who traveled to seek treatment at Envita Medical Centers, a Center of Excellence for Lyme Disease, in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Envita's Proprietary Testing Leads the Way
At Envita, we use advanced genetic testing to provide an accurate diagnosis for your Lyme related symptoms, as well as the primary and secondary co-infections often associated with Lyme. Our custom-design treatment plans precision-target each individual patient's unique infection load. The symptoms of Lyme disease, which is a tick-borne illness, can mimic the symptoms of over 300 diseases, often making its diagnosis difficult for inexperienced doctors. In fact, Lyme disease does not always show up in standard testing, as in Pablo's case, because those tests depend on your immune system response. If your immune system is depressed, the Lyme disease pathogens may not get detected, as a result you will falsely show “negative” in the standard tests.
To overcome these challenges in testing, Envita Medical Centers has developed the advanced precision PathoDNA test, in collaboration with Genetic First Laboratories. Our PathoDNA test is a CLIA validated next-generation sequence test for the diagnosis of Lyme and secondary tick-borne co-infections. An accurate diagnosis is a necessary precursor to treatment, which Pablo kept searching in vain for six long years.
Inaccurate Diagnosis Prolongs the Struggle
Spending weeks at a stretch in hospitals, each time he got admitted, did not help in improving Pablo's symptoms. He was experiencing symptoms of muscle stiffness and intense pain in the joints and bones. “I lived with fever for 4 years, the fever never left me,” said Pablo, who was struggling to cope with his condition, which the doctors assumed was “a certain type of cancer.”
Pablo's pain was unbearable, leaving him begging for pain medication. “With Lyme your pain is unbelievable and after a couple of years they started treating me like a drug addict,” said Pablo. He felt “emotionally destroyed” with the way the doctors started treating him.
Pablo's Envita Call
“My brother-in-law visited me in the hospital, and he was really angry, not only because I was almost dying but also because of the treatment of the doctors,” said Pablo. His brother-in-law recommended Envita Medical Centers, and Pablo agreed with his recommendation, because he had heard of our reputation.
Our precision testing not only detects the presence of a variety of pathogens, but these set of tests can also analyze other parameters such as mold and toxic elements in the body, which affects each patient's response to treatment. Based on the results of these in-depth tests, our doctors customize a unique precision-targeted treatment plan for each individual patient to aid in their holistic recovery. For instance, Pablo had high concentrations of mold and other toxicities, which had severely depressed his immune system, in turn affecting his ability to respond to treatment.
Envita's Unique Treatments Break the Cookie-Cutter Approach
“This is not a cookie-cutter type of treatment. Everybody's treatment is different, catered to their different necessities,” said Pablo, who is convinced that if the customized plans could work for someone who is as reactive as he is, then they would work for everyone. At Envita, we use a series of detoxifying treatments, coupled with different levels of immunotherapy, and IRAD (Insulin Receptor Antibiotic Delivery), to attack the elusive pathogens and heal patients holistically. IRAD is our proprietary treatment, deployed intravenously, to help shuttle the antibiotics past the blood brain barrier into the central nervous system, which was crucial in Pablo's successful treatment.
The spirochete shape of the strain of bacteria causing Lyme disease often enables it to go past the blood-brain barrier, which oral antibiotics fail to penetrate, resulting in ineffective treatment. However, IRAD overcomes this challenge, helping many of our patients who manifest symptoms of brain fog and other neurological problems associated with neuroborreliosis, which is experienced when the bacteria pass through the blood-brain barrier.
Shed Hesitation to Get Treated
Content with his treatment at Envita, Pablo urges everyone with undiagnosed symptoms to get tested and treated here. “Don't hesitate, get tested,” said Pablo. Summarizing his experience at Envita, while gearing up to live his new life Pablo said, “Knowledge is power. The more you know, the more powerful your treatment can become!”
Call Us Today
Our integrative approach, combining advanced conventional and next-level natural therapies, makes powerful treatment options for all patients with Lyme disease and related coinfections. Envita Medical Centers' expert team of Lyme Literate doctors are skilled at customizing a medical blue print suitable for precision-targeting the unique set of infections in each individual patient. If you or a loved one is suffering from Lyme Disease or suspects they might have Lyme, please feel free to call us at: 866-830-4576.