Lyme Disease Treatment – Jennifer's Envita Review

In 2007, nearly 6 months after the birth of her third child, Jennifer noticed a problem. It began with flu-like symptoms, muscle aches and fatigue, but progressed rapidly to include bladder issues. With symptoms found in hundreds of possible conditions, it was hard for her physician to pinpoint exactly what was going on. It would be a year and a half before Jennifer could find a doctor that correctly diagnosed her Lyme disease.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Like many patients we see at Envita, Jennifer is not exactly sure when she contracted Lyme. It may have been while working on her farm in New York, but she is not sure because she never noticed any tick bites and never had the tell-tail bullseye rash. To make matters worse, Lyme disease has been known to mimic over 300 different conditions and it can be extremely hard to diagnose, even when a doctor has experience diagnosing and treating Lyme. Jennifer's hormone balance was way off, and her attending physician said she had the highest amount of inflammation he had ever seen. He tested her for co-infections and got her on an antibiotic that was able to fight off her Lyme disease for a while, but it always came back, and she would have to start over with a new regimen of antibiotics.
With nearly 25 years of experience treating Lyme and other chronic illnesses, our physicians at Envita hear this complication from new patients all too often. Lyme disease can go chronic and come along with multiple co-infections (viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic) and other complications such as biofilm that can many times render antibiotics ineffective and provide a safe haven for Lyme disease and its many coinfections to evade the immune system. Every time Jennifer would go on an antibiotic regimen and feel better, she would regress into her symptoms once she stopped taking them. This would continue for six long years. Furthermore, her neurological symptoms were progressing, and her treatments were unable to attack the infections that had passed into her central nervous system. The spiral shape of the Borrelia bacteria that causes Lyme disease can infiltrate the nervous system causing a myriad of neurological symptoms while simultaneously hiding from conventional antibiotics. Jennifer knew she had to do something, so she set out to find a clinic that could give her lasting results and effective progress against her Lyme disease. That is when she found Envita.
She liked the out-of-the-box approach Envita takes and was attracted to the targeted personalized methods we employ. Envita uses state-of-the-art genetic testing to accurately assess infections and coinfections, so we can build a treatment protocol designed to specifically treat the patient's condition. Envita Medical Centers excels at treating late-stage and chronic Lyme disease complex patients because of our combination of the latest medical advancements with targeted treatments. Jennifer was very impressed by our approach and she knew she was making the right decision by coming to Envita.
It wasn't just Envita's next-level-care that brought Jennifer to us. It was our compassionate and supportive staff that encouraged her during her stay. Jennifer said that “everyone is so positive here it is hard for you to go in the other direction; it helps.” She appreciated how passionate and informative her physician Dr. Poteet was, “it was so nice to talk with a doctor that really wants to know what's going on with you and really listens.” She complimented Samantha her Patient Care Coordinator for being a great communicator and for being responsive and compassionate to her problems and questions. Jennifer mentioned how “fantastic” her nurse Maddy and her Patient Floor Coordinator Hayley were, and she complimented the other nurses on their attentiveness. She loved how “on the ball they were”, any need she had or issue she faced, they were there to help. Jennifer stated, “I feel so at home here (at Envita), they are so understanding and so compassionate.”
Envita helped Jennifer get ahead of her condition and treat the entire scope of her infections, including co-infections that had gone unnoticed by her other doctors. Now she can't imagine where her life would be if she never came to Envita. For her, the biggest help was how knowledgeable Envita's doctors were about Lyme disease and how they took the time to explain and educate her on not only what was happening in her body, but also how the treatment was going to help her get better. “These doctors really get it” exclaimed Jenifer, and that makes all the difference.
If you or a loved one is suffering from Lyme disease or a potential misdiagnosis, please don't hesitate to reach out. We have a team of highly trained professionals who can help answer your questions and set you on the path to healing. Please contact our Patient Care Coordinator team at 1-866-830-4576 and let us help you get your life back!