Lyme Disease Treatment – Omar's Envita Review

Omar was only a child when he first got bit by a tick. It was during his teenage years when he began dealing with regular migraines with no clear picture as to the cause. It wasn't until his mid-20's that Omar suspected something was seriously wrong and sought help from medical doctors. Omar continued to deal with worsening symptoms; it was not until 2010 that doctors positively diagnosed him with Lyme disease.
Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Envita makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or achieves these results. Treatments used in this case may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition.
Lyme disease is notoriously hard to diagnosis because the symptoms of Lyme disease can mimic the symptoms of over 300 different diseases. Without proper training, doctors can mistake these general symptoms as something else and deliver a misdiagnosis. He had received a proper diagnosis, but the antibiotics doctors prescribed to treat his Lyme disease were only able to temporarily fight off his condition, his symptoms would always return. Because the standardized treatment for Lyme disease is not designed to provide treatment through the blood-brain barrier, Omar could not achieve lasting results. Omar would continue to get worse, and by 2016 his fatigue and pain were so debilitating that he knew he needed to do something different. He went from multiple doctors to various specialists, waiting for appointments and test results that did not lead anywhere. Omar concluded that he needed an alternative option.
Omar knew about Envita Medical Centers through his brother, a successful past patient of Envita. Omar was looking for a facility that would show him the highest level of respect and care. He quickly saw that dedication when he started working with his Patient Care Coordinator (PCC) Samantha. Omar called Samantha, “the best coordinator there is.” She helped Omar by answering every question he had and setting up all his appointments. She was attentive and caring, giving Omar the quick and thorough care that he needed. In Omar's words., “it was like she already knew what I needed.” Omar was delighted to see that his test results were sent to him within a week of his exam, and he was equally impressed when he met his primary physician, Dr. Hummel. He called his meeting with Dr. Hummel a “breeze,” and when he left the building, he had the feeling that “this place is where I need to be.”
Within a couple of weeks, Omar started his treatment, and he could only describe his experience as a blessing. He was prepared by Dr. Hummel and Envita's staff to get worse before he got better. It was explained to Omar by Dr. Hummel that Lyme disease patients often experience what is called a Herxheimer reaction during treatment at Envita. The Herxheimer reaction is the detoxification of endotoxins released by dying bacteria and can cause flu-like symptoms. Though this process was difficult, Omar hit a turning point and he, “realized that this is what I needed.” Omar began to improve, and before long, he said, “I started to feel really good at that point, better than I have in a long time.”
Omar was asked what he would say to another Lyme disease patient considering treatment at Envita Medical Centers, and he could not have been more positive with his response. “To me, there would be no question, this (Envita) is not the only place for Lyme treatment, but it is definitely the best.”
If you or a loved one is suffering from Lyme disease and is looking for answers, please do not hesitate to reach out to Envita Medical Centers. We have a team of highly trained professionals who can help answer your questions and set you on the path to healing. Please contact our Patient Care Coordinator team at 866-830-4576 and let us help you get your life back.